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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
"I Love Being an Aqua"
Me too.
"is Hilary Clinton gracing our boards?"
oooh I hope so...I shall set up a play date.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"i initiated the meeting. (i left a note on his windshield at the gym saying "you are handsome and if you are single email me here""
"TO MYSELF.....I THINK........"WHAT???????"
THIS IS SLOW YOU MANIAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Ah-ha, ha, ha ... oops, I think I peed myself.
Hey, I think I saw your email address in a stall at this bar down the street. The ladies room was occupied, so I slipped into the mens room to take a quick wiz ... can I send you my pic?
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
Well the moment you think a persons character is as per what you think it is, you are making a judgment. Bcoz thats only your perception based on your inputs from your own sensory organs. Everything you see, hear, taste, touch and smell gets processed inside your own brain. Unless there is a specific source of information which explains to you how to process the details about a certain person, your brain processes it the way it functions on its own. Like you will tend to assume the other person is emotional bcoz if it was you in his position, you know you would have been emotional. You assume other person is a nut case if he is not emotional in a given situation where you would have been definitely emotional. Thats the best your brain can process. And thats how you judge a person subconsciously. So whichever way you observe or study a libra without proper knowledge about how our brain works, you will end up judging us.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
lol.. this is a funny thread. rebirth and dejavu chart. Can it be proven? No. Can it be observed like Astrology? No. Is this author making money out of this? Yes. Isnt it simple?
Reincarnation is only supported by incidents where a kid happened to remember details of things which happened in the past even before his birth. Its highly possible that energy which is stored as memory gets transported after death. If soul concept has any relevance, then there should have been incidents related to repetition of behavioral patterns.
I'm a Virgo woman and here's what I'll tell you. The interviewing process is something that we do. We have to know EXACTLY what we are getting ourselves into. So maybe there is something that you said that turned him off ... or maybe, made him feel a little unsure about taking things further with you. My suggestion is, give him some time. If he likes you, he'll definitely come after you (that would be nice, right? If he did the chasing).
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
"Guessing" and "observing" is good; that's what people do all the time. Alot of people who do NOT understand one another get together to figure each other out for a lifetime, or till they see fit. I have no problems with that.
"is it to say that you're answers and responses should be considered manipulative and that you want people to "guess" from what you tell us as to what is truth or just a version of the truth"
I don't understand this statement. I don't really know what the statement is driving at. But if you considered that statement manipulative, you're reading too much into it because it wasn't intended to be that.
Yes, you can evaluate - that's what people do, but you got to admit that sometimes what the "air" head says confuses you like you confuse them. This is what is originally meant. And it's okay to judge people, but to really see through their motives (and not just deduce or guess) I suppose you have to either try very hard to understand the behaviour of air, or be air.
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
TOJ, libras are really uncomfortable with emotion, but water signs are really good at them. What do you do when you put air in water? It can dissolve, but it will still bubble up. If your libra has many water planets or those in water houses good for you, because those libras are like a bird that has taken to water.
I know one of them who is libra sun and totally chok full of cancer planets, and she is attracted to cancers. Libras don't do it for her at all.
So what it's saying is,.... expect to get together with an air sign, but don't expect to fully understand them. And don't expect they fully understand you or cater to your needs, because a predominantly air sign man is very self centred (especially in cardinal) and is not good with emotion, the way a water sign is.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
"Globalization impacts on the sourcing of products and services, and on market-expansion opportunities."
Globalization may have its good points, as long as import products are of high (SAFE) standards and quality. Whatever happened to China for instance, and will this trend continue? I just wish (more) products were manufactured in my country, where standards are already excellent. I also wonder how much longer the corrupt child labor markets in such countries will hold the monopoly. One good thing i did hear recently; a few North American companies have already stopped buying such imports due to the on-going/criminal child labor.. *all products in stock were destroyed. i hope this trend continues.. (So maybe 'Localization' will be as much a need, as a want.)
'hyper-linked' does makes the world even smaller than it is, but privacy issues should be always be paramount. i'm wondering how different countries will be able to set different standards. I know Canada already had to pull the plug on something it didn't want to be included in.
"The middle class will eventually disappear in most developed countries, with people either moving upwards into a new global managerial elite or downwards into a new enslaved working (or not working) class."
This is really scary, and already happening in some respects. The middle-class sect truly is the "balancing" fulcrum.
"One of the most fascinating questions about the future is whether religion will be a victim or a beneficiary of change."
I think religion and sprituality will more or less part their ways for good, not that one has to neccessarily mean the other. "The veil is lifting" ..already. The steady trend toward greater awareness, philosophy, our own inner growth; greater interest in mysticism keeps growing and growing. Base religion is harder to predict. Will the extremists continue to corrupt its greater meaning, til it all but means nothing? So who knows, maybe "Christianity" more or less, will survive many other religions, by 'Default.
LUVED this awesome topic, Gaurav! Thx! .. =)