Scorpio woman ..and Cancer male

I couldn't disagree more.. scorp sting you should escalate the situation and prove you're the alpha female. Years could go by before mr. indecisive cancer makes up his mind.

Related Messages

1) Try to reduce my sarcastic responses to less than 50% (I'm at about 90% , so this one is doomed to failure.)
2) Pay more attention to studies. (As a Pisces, paying attention to anything for more than 20 minutes is tricky at best, this one is also doomed to failure.)
3) Stop making resolutions that will not work. (I'm almost there on this one)
4) Encourage DC to use the Smiley in response to everything Shaka2 posts.

"Shaka what's your deal, are you always so down on people or what?"

...and yes i know i've just thrown the troll a breadcrumb
THANKS so much for your well thought-out response, exam! I really enjoyed reading your answers. Very informative..
btw, ALL my doors are double-bolted now..*just kiddin'! smile ..thanks again.
lol @ Dc, that face is freaky I have to say, sorta like Pacman on acid or something!
Hey LK, chart twin lol. Tongue
My eyes my eyes!!!
I've never found a *large* amount of money. Anything over 20 Euro i'd bring to the local police station. Less than a tenner... i may keep and buy a lottery ticket or two.

$ 320 or the local equivalent i would definitely turn in.
Oi Shaka I have nowt against Virgo's but leave Sagi alone.
I'll bet the cops love you, liokaiser ...
Thanks Shaka; interesting.
Hahahahaha! Class Spachtel I'm with you on that!
The only money I've ever found has been a crumpled up 10 or 20 note that I've left in my jeans pocket and subsequently washed, mind you long as it's still spendable I don't care!