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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"No matter how you treat people good, they will not return you what you deserve. Now, if you treat them in a bad way, at least you will be 1 step ahead when shit hit the fan."
Most people aren't aware of this, Haffo .... most people don't realize that when someone treats them badly, it's a reverse play on psychology to really get what you do deserve, which is being "real" your existence, and not ego based, which to be real to the existence means there is present BOTH positive and negative (good/bad, love/hate, God/Satan, strong/weak, light/dark). The ego would, and does dictate if allowed, completely unbeknownst to the unconscious mind, since the conscious mind is ruled by the ego AND because we strive to embrace the conscious mind as reality, while believing the unconscious mind is unreality, since we can't "think" on that plane.
It's all mathematics when dealing with the subliminal ... in fact, everything in life is about mathematics .... we program ourselves, using codes of positive/negative ......
2 positives = extreme overcompensation of positive = ignorance to negative, which negative is cornerstone to realize that a "real" positive exists (there can be no success, without realizing failure)
2 negatives = a positive = evokes an overcompensation of positive from negative = balance/awareness of both positive & negative (negative was experienced, to realize a true positive exists) = realization of both limitations of weaknesses/strength = strong is weak, weak is strong.
1 positive and 1 negative = contention/disruption to compete within which is positive and which is negative = creates within perspective a false determination of P/N, to find a satisfactory solution for the ego consciousness.
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
Shootingsag, i was / kind of still am in the same situation. For the past two years i have been trying to muddle through my feelings, my marriage and discover where things went wrong. No sex, no intimacy of any kind ... everything was surface level ... like roomates. We have tried the marriage counseler which for us was completely useless. Trust me, when i say, i did emotionally give up on us ... i was just not brave enough to physically call it quits. I'm glad i didn't. Something was holding me back from completely giving up. Recently, in the past month or so, we have been finding that connection again. Our relationship will never be of a passionate kind (which is who i am and what i want - but he isn't and doesn't need it), and i have accepted it.
Long story short ... trust your instincts ... don't be selfish with your time ... look back to things that brought you and your husband together in the first place ... spend quality time together ... find all the answers to the questions you have ... take your time ... and things have a way of working out.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Virgo certainly confuses Scorpio - I've seen my ScorpWife do a double-take often enough to know I've thrown her off. Like, when I'm say something that's so personal and revealing, one of those things she'd consider a Scorp's Little Secret. It's taken her many months to understand that with her, I have no secrets...
They're not used to having someone they can trust so completely.
Which is another reason I'm purging my old dyrstr8z threads -- not because she asked me to, but because I wrote many of those while it was me & her, not us, and I know now that she'd prefer not having all those private details out in a public space.
As for the Scorpio Mind: It works faster than Virg's, but only because the Scorp is more confident about the decision-making process...
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
I have "cute dimples" that sometimes make it hard for me to look as stern as I'd like to... of course, I'm on the V/L Cusp - dammit!
Why do Libra chicks find us VirGuys so attractive? It's like y'all want what you can't have; and when you do manage to catch it, it's not what you wanted...
ohhh reading this thread is so refreshing......yeah for some is sooo hard........I have 5 planets in Virgo and it's so hard to express love/emotions... add aqua moon to that.. well your pretty much have a robot lol!! but yeah the feelings are deeply hidden which makes it more difficult to express it.....but I want love soo much.....I have venus in cancer....I yearn for it and dream of it......but in reality it's so much harder.......and when a person least expects it.......cupid's love arrow hits and well one is soo confused and doesn't know why this one person has this effect on me........yeah I ty to analyze it.....think it over.....but all I'm left with is confusion.....
so this thread it great to vent
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Me too, Sweetie .. fell head first .. along with it went all heart, reason and sensibility ::sighs:: ... if we could only have the same forsight as we do hindsight, life would be bliss.
That one line in a Seger song, always makes me think about how wonderful life would be: Wish I didn't know now, what I didn't know then.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Ah, my young PadaVirg, great minds do indeed think alike!
My Libra ex-wife never seemed to tire of telling others how handsome I was, when I really consider myself about average in looks, and she was very persistent to keep us exclusive when we first started dating.
Not bragging, just stating the facts as I see them. Libra tends to chase Virgo more than the other way around...