Scorpio woman ..and Cancer male

Yeah, sounds just like what I thought.. a relationship for convenience with nothing else backing it up. Have you actually seen this person?

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Sweet Chatz, ALWAYS swimming for you. ACTUALLY had some time OFF for a change (I usually work 12-14 hours a day, day after day). So actually RESTED for about a day and 1/2. Libra Girl's dropping all sorts of hints about future posibilities but we're talking WAY out there----takes FOREVER for her to do things. So, yeah, the robe as a Christmas gift from her and, yeah, a Prime Rib dinner she cooked for me. And she's CONSTANTLY calling to say, "Hi." Hey, it's TOO LATE! She cooled off my "adour."
I was spoiled for Christmas with many friends / clients / associates giving me coffee and chocolate---the things I love most, beside WOMEN, that is!
And now I'm setting things up for 2008---in the real estate business, dues, fees, etc., are all due before the first---so I have to make that "investment" to stay in the game.
Meanwhile, I've set aside a few hours and actually PRACTICED a few Brahms Intermezzi I'm going to perform some day.
Thank you, Chatzy, for your concern. You are BY FAR one of the sweetest women I've ever known.
And Happy New Year to y'all Libras on the Board.

Yeah, my ScorpWife owns me -- that's what marriage is all about...
A marriage is often declared by a wedding ceremony,[7] which may be performed either by a religious officiator, by a secular government-sanctioned officiator, or (in weddings that have no church or state affiliation) by a trusted friend of the wedding participants. The act of marriage usually creates obligations between the individuals involved, and in many societies, their extended families.
Marriage sometimes:
* establishes the legal father of a woman's child;
* establishes the legal mother of a man's child;
* gives the husband or his family control over the wife's sexual services, labor, and/or property;
* gives the wife or her family control over the husband's sexual services, labor, and/or property;
* establishes a joint fund of property for the benefit of children;
* or establishes a relationship between the families of the husband and wife.
***I never like this part whenever i deal with scorp women. They just assume over our head even when we have told them everything we know. They simply cannot put those simple words together and try to understand the situation as how we know. ***
All I can assume is your words when you post them. You never included these details. Clearly, I am not the only one who assumed. Do you remember LS's comment about the same issue? Whatever who cares. We deal with facts not assumptions. Make your facts clear.

***I mailed her twice and called her once before I landed there. I dont just walk into someones office.
***Oh and did she say, "sure do come, I would love to see you." Not, as you stated she didn't want to see you... That is the point!!!
***You know sometimes when a person is a bit of a bully, most people avoid them. Still libra takes them under their wings and give them company. If things didnt worked for you with taurus, cancer and pisces, have you ever cared to find out what was their side of story? Or check out another cancer, taurus or pisces?*** Uhh, did you not read the previous posts. Getting to know a Taurus currenlty NOT A LIBRA...
Yes I did, we weren't compatible. Never bullied anyone, never had to, always been persued.

***To me, making a thing work is not like making it work for 4-5 years. Its like building a phone which can work only for 5 years and after that it faces forced obsolescence. So unless you have any plans to stick with a libra forever, why try chasing a libra? Why leave them broken and then let them chase you? Do you enjoy doing that to a libra? ***
Currection 8 years... Again, I have NEVER chased any of these librans. Again every one of them approached, persued me and didn't and don't want to let me go. I never enter any relationship with plans of leaving it. I am a grown woman not an adolesent. Did you plan on leaving your scorp when you met? Oh, yeah you thought you guys were sole mates, but she wouldn't go with you. Sorry she hurt you and now use her as an example for all scorp females and their relationships with Librans. LOL!!!
You should quit now thelibran, you are starting to sound a little silly. I am a scorp for God's sake. You know I have an answer for everything, but this is becoming redundant. It was fun for awhile, now it is getting boring. Tired of repeating myself. You have so much to learn in general. Happy New Year!!!

Want your freedom from "ass-kissing"? Stay single. Want what I have? Suck up your foolish pride, admit you need someone else, and if you find her, have the good sense to marry her...
***tats bcoz you are water. see the point? same reason why the explanations of QS looks more convincing to you. She too is water. So its a general water perspective on libra.****
Lets see, Nic has most often agreed with my comments on libra men through out these threads, so have other librans, Chatz, HP, ATom etc.... Soooooo, that would be air, fire and earth, hmmm, neither of them are water. What is your conclusion to that thelibran? Just curious?
***I actually agree with the libran.
Living with and knowing someone for a lifetime does not necessarily mean one understands them.***
My point exactly, sometimes you find you don't understand them or the two of you are just no longer compatible and move on. Sometimes you understand them and love them and want them in your life, however the romantic aspect isn't working so you remain friends. Right you are.
However, this seems contrary to what thelibran believes. He thinks he will find the perfect person without any differences and that you can only have a relationship according to what astrology says is compatible. This my dear isn't true in each situation no matter what the zodiac combo is.
i agree with the kiss thing.
it was unusually passionate.
i can TOTALLY SEE that THAT KISS was something that NEEDED to come out.
he was shaking too.
i asked him if he was cold....

Hahahahahaha ... you have me in stitches over here smile
***We don't manipulate others for financial or materialistic gains like other signs.***
However, libra men will manipulate for self satisfaction and getting what they want and can be quite self involved. I am sure most women who have dealt with them will agree. Can I get an Amen... thelibran, unless you have seen this from the outside as a partner to a libra man rather than just being one. It might be impossible for you to realize, however this has come up on this board a million times from females involved with libra men of all different zodiac signs. Again it is not all about the signs.
Sure you can, but you have to provide your own hammock. I've run out of them.
***Bcoz thats only your perception based on your inputs from your own sensory organs. Everything you see, hear, taste, touch and smell gets processed inside your own brain. Unless there is a specific source of information which explains to you how to process the details about a certain person, your brain processes it the way it functions on its own. Like you will tend to assume the other person is emotional bcoz if it was you in his position, you know you would have been emotional. You assume other person is a nut case if he is not emotional in a given situation where you would have been definitely emotional. Thats the best your brain can process. And thats how you judge a person subconsciously.
Oh, and I guess this applies to everyone except a libra? Only you know the true person right? Wrong!
***So whichever way you observe or study a libra without proper knowledge about how our brain works, you will end up judging us.***
Same goes for Librans conception of other signs... We are all human. Take your own advice sometime.