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Jan 29, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 835 · Topics: 31
Hi Chocolate,
Yes I'm a scorp. I know. Leo and Scorp, not the best combination.
You give great advice and it confirms that what I've been doing is on track until this incident. I'm just afraid I've ruined everything. The whole time we have been together he has not gone more than 4 hours without a phone call, text message or e-mail, but after he canceled on me Tuesday and I got pissy with him I got nothing the entire day yesterday until I sent him an e-mail at 10:30 at night and he wrote back to me. I'm afraid letting him know that what he did bothered me also let him know how I feel and made me seem too needy. I'm going to be with him Friday and make sure we have a really good time and then I'm going to disappear into my work for the week. He will have his son so it will be really hard for us to get together next week anyway.
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Jan 02, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 196 · Topics: 14
yes I am a libra.. He is back... just as the comment said earlier like nothing is wrong.. and no time has elapsed. I do accept him just was wondering more about understanding how men get close and process things- Not complaining or freaking out about it just wanting to get an insight into how the intimacy thing works for men. I know everyone isnt the same just because of their sex... but the general process... and the rubberband theory is a male state... women have lots of other issues but this one seems as though its a guy thing....
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 457 · Topics: 28
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
Whoa, alot of water against the air now.. lol.
What I do not understand either, about Libra men is why they seem not to want a relationship and then keep popping up in the lives of the women who liked them. I believe this is very torturous for the women invovled and it is as if he either doesn't realize the extent of the damage, or that he purposely did it. Alot of people in that situation would think he purposely did it, but could never know why. I myself have been frustrated by this one many accounts; it is like, a withdrawal, but with an arm that sticks out at the side.
What I may gather about this or deduce is that he may not want a relationship but may not want to lose a friend in his life. Or a person, once loved, whatever. Sometimes I find myself contacting an "ex", but when he doesn't reply, THEN I get the message. Maybe I am going too far to reach out to him again when it is over. But soon, he will contact me still. Maybe other signs are like that too?
So, regarding the air sign men who leave the ladies hanging, maybe they aren't into psychology, or figuring out how the other party thinks - they don't even study astrology. I must assume, that it would be very difficult for them (all signs, not especially libra) to figure out what a partner wants. But the best conclusion I can think of, is that the scenarios are all part of our life path. We are fated to learn the difficult lessons that they will teach us, because we can learn no other way.
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
He offs his phone means he's overwhelmed. He gets overwhelmed because it's like a tornado going through and takes a while to settle. They don't or can't handle an angry person at the other end anymore.
I think they think it's "wrong" because he sees the woman in his life as the guide; he is allowed to play games and she isn't because she is supposed to be the "stronger", "stabler" party. That's why he liked her in the first place.
"sincere BS artists"
That's a creative term; a humbled libra would laugh and agree, because what may happen inside them is all those BS thoughts that are affecting his behaviour. You got it right when you say sincere. A most superficial compliment from a libra (most usually, male to female) is sincere, because they catch the most personally alluring aspects of you and tell it to you in a form of admiration. No-one can resist that, that's why it's called charm. But it's the yes/no, withdrawing/moving forward thoughts that makes everything jumbled. Afterall, the scales are tryng to balance.
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
I think what makes expectations so double high for a libra, is the fact they come off like the men in romance novels or stories. So, the ladies EXPECT him to be perfect. But he isn't; he's like other guys, but he gives the illusion of perfection - that is what he wants to be but being human, perfection is not least possible, especially with emotions and fear they have not resolved due to the reliance on outward charm, and harmony since their youth.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
Yes or no is the most complicated question any libra can handle.
aquabrat, your libra switched off the phone bcoz he probably figured out you were playing with him. You will have to pay for every last bs you do to a libra. We will balance it off smoothly at some point of time. Sometimes it will be in the form of sarcastic comments. Sometimes it will be a charming statement with a double meaning.
We trust everyone in the beginning until they f@# $ things up. A bit of lie, a bit of hiding, a bit of vulgur gestures or talks, a bit of anger, traces of prejudice, mental blocks against listening to our perspective(of course we dont expect u to follow everything but we want our partner to listen carefully).... any of these can give you away and from there on we will be dead careful about whom we are dealing with. This is the part where Aries and other libra's wins a libra easily. This is the same part where gemini start her lies and goes down the drainage hole and aqua hides things and display her stubbornness and get sidelined. This is the same place where scorpio throw that emotional spell on libra to hide things.
Its always others who screw it up in the beginning. Then its a fight to attain balance. most times we do it without hurting the other person if they realize their mistakes and comes forward and confess why they screwed up. Still nothing will be the same as before. We will never be the same person again.
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Nov 14, 2007Comments: 1 · Posts: 246 · Topics: 16
no matter ho much you bend it in neon for anybody, they are never quite going to understand the true depth of a scorpio mind. I'm not claiming we are the only astros with a deep mind, but it's like wrapping you perseption around eternity as a concept