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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 457 · Topics: 28
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
"Leo - libra is such a strong, strong, strong connection. I (Libra) went through the ping pong with a Leo man for awhile, Chatz (A leo) went through it with a Libra man. I think Leo-Libra can be a perfect relationship *IF* the time is right. Unfortunetly, in all our cases it wasn't so we are all licking our wounds and they seemingly take such a long time to heal.
I think if you want a loving committed partnership this guy is incapable of being that person for you right now. Instead of forcing things, perhaps if you step away for a year or so he will seek you out in the future when you are both ready. Nothing is certain in life these days ... not even good-byes" advice? hmmmm ok well having gone through just over a year of this same sort of scenario (a bloody Libran who has so much emotional baggage from exes, kids, trust issues, etc) I can only say..Remember what you had and hold it dear to you but you must move on and date other men...he maybe the best connection, the most handsome man, the sexiest voice and OMG the sex is amazing but he's not ready and its not worth waiting and hanging onto...if he really truly wants you, he will seek you out (and yes mine continually pops back into my life when Ive ignored him - not intentionally but if he wasnt ready for me then he doesnt deserve all of my time either). Perhaps in a year or so if you are both single you can hook up again. Im sure he isn't angry at you - they dont like being angry and trust me, I have given mine enough reason to be angry at times but he always shines through in the end and that's what r/ships and f/ships are all about - give and take.
Leos are very proud and we hate to lose something precious and losing a love?? OMG the pain!!! but we do bounce back. I dont know about you hurt-heart but when I finally close the door there's no going back to somebody who didnt value me as I did them and that is why we leave the door open for so long.
If you have apologised and he acknowledged it, I'd go on with my life (I know its easier said than done)...there are so many wonderful men out there though who are ready, willing and able to give you what you're ready for. It is frustrating that he pursued you (as was the case with me) and then left you hanging but Im sure that deep down inside he is hurting too - he has a LOT to deal with and the timing just isn't right. Again, maybe some time down the track. As LS said, nothing is certain - not even goodbyes!!
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( the Aquarian Age will have arrived. ))
they say 2150, but i think it will be gradual. If things are as what they say, then slowly humans will learn to get out of their spiritual and emotional blunders and become happy people like aqua's. Or if things go wrong, we will need a chain of mental hospitals like 7-11 around every other corner.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
nice post. Now i wonder how they can teach people about their strengths and weakness without teaching them astrology. Without astrology, all they have is a general character definition for human beings which technically makes things more and more complicated.
Aw, how sweet Eaglegirl. I have yet to an aqua male counterpart for myself.
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
How much does that suck!!! !!! !!!...
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
Thats okay I'm making up for it this weekend definitely...
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
My mom is Aries. And I used to stay away from Aries people only bcoz of that. I used to think they are dumb. Until one fine day I met an Aries girl and went on a holiday with her. Took me so much of time to get to understand Aries methods since it was totally opposite of mine. Since then, my respect for aries have grown so much.