i don't get it. i've dated a cap for 2.5 yrs and never did he pull a "disappearing act" on me. not when we first dated or when we've had a huge argument.
i'm dating one now and it's the same thing. he texts/calls back immediately (but never initiates, of course). his actions are parallel to his words. he's inclusive by telling me what he's up to (even when i don't ask) and shares stories about himself, his family and friends.
i've read so many posts that are contrary from my experiences with these cappies. to be honest, i'm getting worried! especially with the disappearing and unfaithfulness.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Well, personally .. I'm glad you put this up, vl ..
Scorpius is hot, sweet and funny ... tell the world !!!!!
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 756 · Topics: 66
It was a difficult year for me for sure. The challenge of getting through being a target of a local gang where I live. Completing a difficult (but needed) move between two sinus surgeries for safely reasons. Surviving a difficult relationship situation that finally ended leaving me in financial difficulty. The icing on the cake was the two car accidents I was in during 2007. The first one was in the spring and only our fenders were damaged, but my insurance doubled, bummer. And the second one was in November and I was injured during the crash. Got rear ended while I was stopped by a young girl going about forty without using her brakes.
Whiplash was first discovered and later a fracture in the neck area of my spine that may need surgery. So I am still going through the process of healing and recovery.
But I did wind up in a pretty great place to live and will be getting quite a nice little settlement from the insurance company when all is said and done. Looks like a new car and more for me this year, so there is a silver lining in that cloud from 2007. Kind of a difficult way to have something good come out of something bad but I am counting my blessings and looking forward to a much happier 2008.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 756 · Topics: 66
Does the same go for scorpio females? Does everyone thing they are whiney as well? My sister is a scorpio and I never once heard her whine. She could be real mean sometimes if she thought you had crossed her, but winey no!
Signed Up:
May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( I am taking things slowly with him. ))
One of my gem female friend had this pisces guy chasing her. He used to threaten to take drugs, commit suicide and stuff like tat if she dont agree to marry him. He used to spy on her using their common friends and make her go crazy even living in another continent.
Signed Up:
Jan 14, 2007Comments: 71 · Posts: 2672 · Topics: 56
very wise words PA! sadly, they will be beyond Super-Sag's sphere of comprehension.
Signed Up:
May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( Anytime I have seen this kind of thing happen to someone I know the guy winds up being a real controlling nut case ))
Thats how even this one will be going. All these intial i love yous are part of their emotional game. They mean whatever they say. But it wont mean the way you expect it to be.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
vl .. the date 12/21/12 A.D, which is in the Mayan long count .. is a perfect conjunction of the winter solstice sun with the crossing point of the galactic equator (not our earth equator, rather, the Milky Way's equator) with the ecliptic path of the sun .. in other words, the ancient Maya recognized what will happen is the planets will line up to make The Sacred Tree.
This is an event that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT (or UT).
Basically, what this means is ... because our true existence is energy based, our spirits strive to be in haromy, we send out frequencies and at this moment in time .. we will be in perfect harmony along with the Collective Consciousness, our spirits will conjunct (perfectly aligned) with the planets. This is why the Mayan calendar stops .. we no longer will have a need for time ...........
Signed Up:
May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( If you are friends, you aren't dating probably because both or one of you know it isn't going to work longterm. ))
Dont you think it dont seems to work bcoz people try it out with a preoccupied idea that it wont work for long?