autumnc: thank you for your insight. i think your actions when dating are appropriate. i wouldn't expect much contact either, especially if we started dating and are still getting to know each other. i would also hold the fear that there wouldn't be anything left to talk about by the time of the date!
however, in your personal experience, does this change when in a committed relationship? does the frequency of contact increase/decrease? i think that's the reason for some women's frustration and calling it a "disappearing act." one would think there would be more contact by then.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Our friends called and invited us to go to a hooka bar, but I personally didn't want to go, not because I mind people smoking, but I like to keep things clean.
I told him, "if you want, you can go with them."
So he went.
I don't mind he went, its just the fact that he went and he's not going to see me for the next three days and he's basically choosing our friends over me.
Above is another example of emotional dependence on another person .. in this scenerio (which was on the Aqua board and used exclusively for example purposes and not intented to exploit) .. it's a Cancer female with an Aqua boyfriend.
Within this situation .. the Cancer tells the Aqua that it's ok for him to go hang out with friends without her because she doesn't want to go.
He goes .. believing she is ok with it because she said so.
Then she gets upset because he goes, which by him going means her feelings are hurt because he would prefer to be with friends instead of her.
So, in essence ... she was emotionally dependent upon him to keep her feelings from being hurt, eventhough, she had it within herself not to be hurt because she was already aware of a decision she made in allowing him to go. She didn't HAVE to get upset .. this wasn't just something that popped out of nowhere .. he didn't diss her on a date, he didn't neglect her in any way ... she GAVE him her permission.
Yet, got her feelings hurt.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
One must learn to crawl before it can walk .....
In Lieu of that .. Congratulations GeminiFox on the prospect of your new family member !!!
Wishing you healthy nesting and many years of happiness experiencing life with Cuddles of Joy.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
"Ah I just had a revelation, most of my planets are in air and fire signs.....that explains a lot then!"
LOL! Well, I had a very busy 2007, but it mostly revolved around big changes for people in my life, rather than myself (weddings, births, etc.) I think I only have 2 fire and one air sign (Aquarius moon) in my whole chart.
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Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
DC, I need a tutorial on how to post pics in here. If you upload it to photobucket or something, do you use the image code or the html code?
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Jun 13, 2006Comments: 5 · Posts: 3103 · Topics: 77
I use to have some problems with my love one, but if we are together all seems to be solved, and we share so many good things...and a good lick solves things also lol