I've just had a first date with a cap- please help

"The females whom I have seen become experts at training their Caps somehow, almost telepathically, using their womanly exploits and their desirable looks are the Gemini females. Though these 2 signs are rarely seen as couples, but, they are very succesful as couples once they tweak/adjust their relationship during the early stages."
I think this is enlightening. My Cap, whenever he comes out of his shadowy distance won't even need me to say anything. The minute we start speaking and he says something about communication I'll just say "mmhmm" and he'll say "I know" or "both of us" "I'm back now". The heck? At first I wasn't bothered with the 'disappearing' until we finally talked about how he makes me feel when he doesn't talk to me. I said I had gotten used to being 'ignored' and he says 'Oh my God' like I'm killing him with words. Then I told him an email at 4 AM, just saying hello (because we're both really busy and our schedules class, and the distance on top of the time difference doesn't help either) would make me happy. And he said ok. Still I get nothing. But when we're both home, he'll initiate every convo, call me, email me, IM me until he sees me. I need to figure out this Gemini charm to get him to continue communication with me. Any suggestions? Autumnc, I read everything you said. My Cap complains that the distance makes things awkward... all the talking and no visits. Should I specifically tell him when I want a call? He has this whole control issue with me because I'm usually in control of my relationships. So he makes it a point not to ask how high when I ask him to jump lol.

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Congratulations GF!!
Looks to me that if everything goes as planned, you'll be giving birth to a Libran child.
...Wow All this over Cans and Aries??? Bottome Line is that opposites attract and both sides are clueless what to do in this situation.. To all cancers- just relax and wait.. To all aries: just relax and....relax..smile I really dig aries women, I really do, all Cans need a challenge but one who will be understanding at the same time. Peas..
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"A relationship with anybody, not just him."
Personally, I don't agree with this. Imho, relationships are relative. One doesn't interact with all people the same way. It appears she can't talk to him right now w/o being overcome with some negative emotion. She may not want to be like that when she talks to him. Just like he needed time to get control over his issues, so does she.
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To all cancers- just relax and wait..
To all aries: just relax and....relax..

just to clairify - in terms of going to Europe - he started PACKING his clothes in front of me (said he was due to leave the next day).
Since he was acting shady I called his phone the next day (form a withheld number) and lo and behold, he picks up, and then hangs up when he realises its me.
go figure?
I'm a Libran