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Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
I think it is around 7 or 8.
If it is a sign I know, I am pretty actuate at guessing people's sign. I can often shock people by guessing after knowing them for five minutes. If I get the sign wrong, I usually get the element.
I once dated a 7 planet Sag. He actually LOOKED like a centaur.
* Its human interpretations are quite messed up and not accurate because the guys who tried to explain it often failed to explain the entire structure in an accurate way.
This is what I believe and why I only give it about a 7-8. I don't think we have completely figured it out but I believe there is definitely something to it.
I find as I study people and astrology more, I find a lot of misconceptions. I believe these are misinterpretations that have been handed down.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( because i think it's pointless to debate about such a unpalpable, illusive topic, because there is no right or wrong. ))
U think. Not reality. May be you should not think so much.
Sorry to hijack ur thread Kris. I saw this website saying they will make you rich and powerful in one of its article. He does makes sense, I agree. But not completely. Its once again a different set of spooky looking convincingly sounding ideology. I know it will be quite interesting for a while. Its same trouble with any religion. They all think they can make peoples life better by making them all follow one single road. As we know how much trouble humans have in understanding each other, isn't it easy to deduct that whats suppose to be taught will be easily misinterpreted in different ways by people from each zodiac?
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Jun 13, 2006Comments: 5 · Posts: 3103 · Topics: 77
I dont believe that humans have to be treated badly in general, if they treat you bad they will have what they deserve in future and you are superior to that.
I hard tough if 99% of the ppl arround you are bad, dumb, ambitious, stupid, get pass you in line and you were there first. Its the world where we live on, and is getting worse every minute, so I dont expect it to change for better, so I ignore the stupid people, they dont deserve my nerves to get sick.
Usually my smile gets ppl to smile to me too, thats what counts.
I don't bother with the "Need help with my Aquarius" threads. You haven't figured us out by now, you probably never will.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
From the ones I have encountered, they are example is a thuggish looking aries girl at work....always needing to be centre of attention and constant flattery was required...I only once had it out with her in the middle of the office, oouldn't care less whether I got sacked in the process but she needed to hear a few things..the cold harsh brutal truth..something they don't handle well..brutality..although they are meant to be kings of blunt.
So anyways..after that the stupid cow didn't shout or boast anymore in front of fact it was all curteousy and respect..They just need to be bought down a peg or two, then like I said before..silence will inevitably prevail....silence is a great thing..
They are compassionate souls deep down me thinks...
Theres one thing you don't rile up..and thats the Scorpio Rising temper...