I've just had a first date with a cap- please help

yes. I am a Capricorn as well.

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libran...do you have a lot of fire in your chart?

Not a single one in my chart, elsewhere... Tongue
yep she still holds him on a string
(( Anyone know anything about Scorp woman/Leo Male? ))
both wants to dominate. both wants control. both wants power. it will be quite a charming relationship as long as both have other FWB's.
Well, I'm new here on DXP, and I'll be honest...I am with a Virgo now for the last 4 years. I should probably tell you all that I am an aries. My apologies if this question has been asked before, but is this a compatible long term relationship? There are many things I absolutely adore about my man. There are also some things I don't understand.
I guess I am just looking to see if there are other virgo-aries couples on this board and if so, what difficulties have you encountered, and what helped you overcome them?
Also, can you tell me Virgos, what it is about the aries that you don't understand, or would like to change? I want to be everything my man needs, but he can be closed in expressing himself at times.
Thanks in advance for anyone who replies, and happy new year smile
Well,i have been playing in my school`s team all my childhood and teenaging..and the truth is that i was team player much much more than being a solo player..I love team sports.
Eaglegirl - you make a wonderful point in the action of releasing. We can only move on and release someone when we come from a place of love. Anything other than that is resistance and with resistance present, it will keep us emotionally involved with that person. Reason being....with love, we let go and wish the best for that person freeing ourselves from the pain of holding on. With resistance, we are constantly focusing on our problems with that person, the pain, the mental activity....keeps one in the loop of confusion - a prison of ones emotions.
So.....if you want to "let go" and move on.....release in love - works every time. Winking
Could be right EG..i always dreamed of being the captain and lead the team,but i won`t ever take other member`s glory.
No Geminis in the team,that`s final..
Offcourse you my kind..the kind you laways desired Tongue
I'm actually a mutt/half-breed/mixed. I still wish I was Blackanese though. Just sounds cool.
I've been told that if I were to become a collaborator with others, that I could make a lot of money.
I've already published music/books on my own smile
My control freak side doesn't want to let go, but I feel intuitively that if I were to collaborate with others, I could really reap the rewards.
I hate my Scorpio-ness sometimes!