Fishies with Gemini Rising

Ahh the classic "weegie" as in "Glaswegian" lol, don't worry I can hardly work out what most of them are saying either.
Well I'm sure you will have fun no matter what you do, and you absolutely have to do a good few pub crawls along when in Edinburgh, Haymarket and Grassmarket are good places to go although the place is brimming with pubs!
Not sure if they do them in the summer but if you get the chance the ghostwalk up at the Witchery is supposed to be really good - you get to go down the underground caves, which are supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the UK. Most Haunted did a live special there last Halloween, although I never saw it.

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wheelhomies: "not worth any sort of attachment on my end."
Mon cherie! You cut me to the quick!
Roxi, I fully sympathize. If it's any consolation, I'm a Computer Dude, and I still got suckered in by a slippery old fish (Hi! P-Angel!) - but I wasn't myself at that time (head over heels in love, and goofy as hell!). And like Eaglegirl, I've been discouraged by some of the crap on this forum, and yet I stay.
There are people here who are worth the time, effort, and genuine interest. Concern? Involvement? After 2007, I'm definitely limiting those!

emeraldgem: "But look at our little bluestars happy with her scorpii0......sometimes things do work out....."
Yes! Thank you for reminding us!
And, though I get on the collective DXP nerves with my "marital bliss" posts, I'm gonna keep 'em coming - this crazy place helped me get where I am now.
That's worth noting - repeatedly.
1. Very anti social also, have problems talking to ppl in general.
2. I seem to be indiferent to all arround me, I dont question anything or say for example "thats a pretty girl".
3. I have gas problem too, but I retain all in me when I am with ppl other than parents, and is a those situations I dont go to bathroom either, I have no will, its psychological or physical, dont know.
4. I quit things if Im not willing to do them, if I believe they are not bringing me any good, or im just lazy, but sometimes there are important things for the future..
5. Severe social anxiety too, and is geting worse, I just go blank sometimes, forget how to spell words and to speak.

My Scorp Brother played school sports all 12 years - sometimes the star, but other times just one of the guys.
His glory days: 3 seasons as the lead pitcher in baseball.

Roxi, you know what The Stones said: You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you can get what you need...
Speaking of which, you said: "i have pressing home improvement issues."
Well, I gotta TOOL for ya...
me too.
I feel sorta yucky at the moment....ate waaaay tooooo many chocolate chips.
the same way libra holds a gem. Tongue
"Your exit from a relationship may not always be direct and quick."
not so much for me....perhaps it is my Aries sun but, I say what I feel - when I am finished I let the person know in simple plain no confusing terms.
Darn if some guys take this on as a challenge! some take longer than others to figure out.....this Lady means what she says.
I luv your randomness DK