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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 995 · Topics: 34
I'm frightened. Can someone hold me?
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Sep 30, 2007Comments: 92 · Posts: 5629 · Topics: 56
1. I pick my nose when no one is looking.
2. I actually have a collection of odds and ends that have no significance to them whatsoever.
3. I walk into things, a lot.
4. I drool too much when I sleep. A little drool is ok but too much is just wrong.
5. I have to play "Carry On My Wayward Son", "Renegade" or "Hells Bells" before I leave the apartment. If I don't I feel empty on the way out.
Now something I'm not embarrased about. I have a rubber ducky named Horatio.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3626 · Topics: 27
yeah ...u have to wait a secound for them to load.......
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Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
Ladies, tell me if you would be upset if this happened:
My boyfriend and I got to bed fairly early, but I've been sick and congested, so apparently I was I slept great but he didn't and maybe got 6 hours sleep. So this morning as we were in the bathroom getting ready for work, he specifically said he was going to go to bed early tonight because he's tired. I asked him if he wanted to just relax tonight at home and do his own thing and he said "Probably"....I've come to know that when he says probably, he really means "Yes" because he doesn't like to rock the boat.
So this afternoon, I decided on a whim that I was going to drive to Louisiana and go to a casino for a few hours. I left work at noon (I work short days on Fridays) and headed to Louisiana. I get a text message from my bf around 2 asking what I was up to. I told him I was almost to a casino. His reply was "oh".
A few minutes went by and he sent another text message asking when I decided to do this. I replied with "I planned it after you left this morning when you said you were going to bed early tonight. Hope you aren't upset". His reply "No, not upset AT ALL. Be safe".
Well around 8 pm this evening while I was driving back to the Houston area, he called. I figured he was at home about to go to bed soon. When I asked him if he was ready to crash, he said he was out with co-workers at a happy hour. I got quiet because I was perturbed he did that. I didn't ask him to go to the casino with me because he said he was tired twice to me (once while getting ready for work and again when he called me mid-morning at work) and actually thought I would have fun by myself, which I did....
Part of me can't help but think he didn't like the fact I made this decision without consulting with him first, so he basically said "Screw it, I'm changing my plans"...
I just a text message from him saying he's home - that was at 11 pm. For someone who wanted to get to bed early, that's quiet late (since we both tend to stay up until midnight most nights).
I didn't start an argument, but I did get quiet and he knows me quite well enough to know that when I get quiet, there's something on my mind.
What do you think? Do you think he went out and stayed out late out of spite?
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
I'd say Taurus are more cute than sexy, Cancers and Scorps are definitely sexy tho, the men anyway.
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1622 · Topics: 4
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