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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
I know its because my only "real" relationship (7 years with a virgo)" something in common...except my only real relationship lasted 1 1/2 yrs i think virgos have a way of cornering me into a relationship
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
VC that quote is on my profile
I cried when i saw this... Yes it's true. I felt so alone.
Smoking does absolutely nothing for you except make you want another smoke.
Rid yourself of this Deadly Viscious Cycle and you WILL like yourself once more. Dont be a puppet! Take the wheel. Its 3 days of Agony and then it ALL gets better. Plan your quit. For example Friday afternoon after work STay in bed all weekend, pamper yourself, take hot baths, eat all the yummy food you want... by the time Monday comes the worst is over. Find an online Quit forum. It helps so much. If I can do this then I KNOW you can. You have NO idea how many times I tried to stop.
4 days 11 hours down (N.O.P.E)
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
So, these situations that happen, such as, getting killed by a mugger or crossing the street in front of a car ... aren't accidents, nor coincidences at all .. rather, the spirit actually "called" this upon itself.
To the ego consciousness .. this would appear to be random, unfortunate events that happen to people who didn't do anything wrong or are deserving.
Maybe there are no coincidences at all .. ever. It's just our ego consciousness isn't privy to what our spirit is doing for preservation of the soul.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
All the pisces I know sleep sooooo much....what is up with that? guy is always sleeping....the other day he texts to say "morning baby..I have a confession to make" a bit concerned I replied "oh?" and he sent one back saying "I slept for 14 hours..just woke up and it feels great"
What the can anyone sleep so much?!!!
My brother is exactly the same..the house could be falling and he wouldn't realise..
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Dec 31, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 218 · Topics: 26
Very manipulative individual...He does wrong, attacks you and makes you feel bad, so you self doubt..Whats he doing fondling another woman anyways, even in the beginning of a relationship...get rid of him...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I have known 3 pisces with gem relationships...all have ended...