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Dec 31, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 218 · Topics: 26
Very manipulative individual...He does wrong, attacks you and makes you feel bad, so you self doubt..Whats he doing fondling another woman anyways, even in the beginning of a relationship...get rid of him...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I have known 3 pisces with gem relationships...all have ended...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Wow someone else is trying to give up....brilliant....I want to too...
EG..I went back on it again..yes yes..I know I know...
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Hahaha .. because we love to dream?
Usually, I sleep little/lightly ... however, if I fall alseep stoned then slumber is extremely heavy and it's hard to wake up.
Does he get high?
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Awww well time is a great healer and all that malarky....Give it time and he will come back if your worth having thats for sure...
Think positive as I am sure you guys do...
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
LOL..well you see I linked it to the dream thing as well...but surely you can dream at anytime..even if you are awake..I find myself on distant shores at times..whilst I am
Yes he is usually on a high when he has slept loads...he's also very affectionate when he has had his full 16 hour fix..gosh the guy can sleep for England!
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Dec 31, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 218 · Topics: 26
Maybe she has read all the posts on libra and sees how indecisive you guys are...running for her life
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
In theory, we know that Water goes with Earth, Fire with Air. So, in watching how our signs mesh with each other .. then analyzing it backwards (from solution to equation factors) .. it appears that not only do we have decans within our specific sign, also looking at this as far as there being 3 signs in each of these elements .. and putting one's with one, two's with two, three's with three .. our perfect partners appear to be ...
Aries with Gemini .. GF and others I know really are good together
Taurus with Cancer .. my best T-friend gels awesom with all C's
Leo with Libra .. don't know any of this combos
Virgo with Scorpio .. several in here working, attraction is powerful
Sag with Aquarius .. a good A-male recently found his S-soulmate
Cap with Pisces .. all us P girls KNOW that Cap men "get" us
So, does anybody have any thoughts on this? Does it seem to you guys that the position in which the element falls (1,2,3) is matched pretty good with the element in the same position? Furthermore, to pull decans into it, the "three" factor (which the #3 signifies the sacred number) .. within these pairings, can we then analyze that 1st Aries goes with 1st Gems, 2nd Aries with 2nd Gems, and so on .....
Is this ancient history that everyone has already figured out and it's just an epiphany to me?
I have a friend who is dating a cancer man (so am I ). Since I'm into astrology she's been coming to me for advice (trust me I don't say much), but they've had some of the same issues that I've had with my cancer bf. It's almost like they are working from the same script. Anyway before Christmas they got into an argument and she broke up with him. She broke up with him because she felt that he wasn't really that into her. Even though he told her he loved her (which is huge for a cancer man right?) and that he wants to marry her. However, in person he acts differently. More distant. She feels as if he's been playing games with her.
So, fast forward to today. I've been telling her that she should expect a phone call from him. I figured, if he does love her and the fact that they broke up over what I would call "fixable" things would mean that he would at least want some answers as to why they couldn't work it out. I say that because when they broke up (over the phone) she says he didn't say much but did seem angry. But the holidays came and went without a word from him. So here's my question, I know that cancers tend to run into their shells when their not happy but I don't want to keep telling her to give him time and he's already moved on to the next girl. How do you know when it's over with a cancer man? Does he just disappear? I thought that usually as long as there wasn't any cheating that they would be willing to try to make it work with the woman they love.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Wish I could..I am too restless... I drift in and out of sleep...Light sleeper..