Aquarius Men-not sure what to do

I have been in a realtionship with an aquarius man for a year and a half. I love him and I know that he loves me. I am a Gemini and our relationship in the beginning was very good. The problem is we don't see eye to eye on anything. If we get into an argument will not contact me for days and when he does he takes no responsibilty for his part of the argument. I am very fustrated to say the least. We are both strong and opinionated and cannot seem to over come arguments. He has broken it off twice and I am the eternal optimist and believe that if we have come this far and truely love each other we should try anything. He broke it off Christmas night through a text message and he is 36 years old. I have an issue with that and figured I would hear from him sooner or later but my heart is broken. He texted me during the football game last weekend mentioning the game and when I texted back questioning why he would do that but not want to talk about our relationship he blew it off as being competive (our teams we playing against each other). We are communicating now and are going to talk in a few days. As of now we are not together and I'm not sure I want to be....he is the most fustrating man in the world! I feel I can do nothing right regardless...he loves his friends and spening time with them in which I have no problem. He is a great lover but I feel that he does not trust me with his feelings and he has no idea how to be my friend. I feel like he thinks I am his enemy. I don't think he is capable of letting someone in. I tell him how I feel and I get nothing from him but an I love you. He is harsh at times and my friends do not like the way they see him treat me. If I did not love him it would be easy. If I saw one of my friends going through this I would tell them to move on. The other issue is I have to see him every day..he is also my neighbor. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea what to expect when we talk.

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