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Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
I've heard ANGEL's pretty good stuff.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( take a few astrology courses like i have and get back to ))
I wont. It can render me stupid within a short while. I am no way going to follow what other astrologers got to say. Its their own interpretation and most of these astrologers are merely following what they learned from someone else. If I study them, then i might end up swallowing whatever they teach me and I might not do any experiments on my own thereby making myself follow an existing half-baked system of astrology which cannot be proven to any group of scientists as a system. My objective is not to understand astrology alone. Its to understand human behavioral patterns and how we interacts with each other zodiac groups and the advantages and challenges we face while interacting with each group.
Now I have moon and venus in virgo and mercury in Scorpio. That doesn't mean I will get along with water and Earth people. I simply cannot stand earth people in real life - esp virgo and cappy ones. And they never get to understand me as what I am. But an air can do it easily irrespective of their planetary configuration. I know there are more details even inside Air-Air mixing. But I cannot afford to concentrate on it and waste my time only on astrology. I stop at Sun Signs. I don't even buy the idea that its all bcoz of influence from various constellations. So only when I have solved that part, I will be willing to go further and get into details of other planets.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
hmmm...well in your case I wasn't refering to the cheating. I was just refering to general mentalities. Pisces tend not to worry too much about being careful with what they say and do....if his apparent lack of regard bothers you that is something to consider.
But in the end that is for you to decide - the best way to improve your relationship, as you say, is to decide what is more important - are the things you get upset about worth fighting over? If the answer is no then hopefully that will help you control your jealousy or whatever other issues you feel you have. If his behaviors are things that bother you to the point you feel you need to make an issue of them - then that is something to think about....if that is the case it is probably not the best relationship for you. A relationship includes comrpomise, true, but within reason.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( Have you been a close friend of an Aries of your same gender?
With the opposite gender there may be respect, but once lost, it's hard to get it back. ))
Only with opp gender. Same gender polar opposites cannot stand each other and sometimes even hate each other. Still I have Aries male friends around. I never understood them till I got to understand Aries women. Now its easy but still I cannot agree with their methods.
(( respect can be more easily lost because you understand how each other work, and based on that understanding there are expectations to be met. ))
Logically true. But I have observed that within similar groups, they get to like both pros and cons of the other person(way good with air and gets harder with earth). Even the negative sides are observed with some empathy. Like I like every nonsense a gemini or aqua does. Even when they are making themselves look ridiculous in front of a group, I enjoy whatever they are doing. Its fun. And I almost know how they are going to tackle it.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( take a few astrology courses like i have and get back to ))
I wont. It can render me stupid within a short while. I am no way going to follow what other astrologers got to say. Its their own interpretation and most of these astrologers are merely following what they learned from someone else. If I study them, then i might end up swallowing whatever they teach me and I might not do any experiments on my own thereby making myself follow an existing half-baked system of astrology which cannot be proven to any group of scientists as a system. My objective is not to understand astrology alone. Its to understand human behavioral patterns and how we interacts with each other zodiac groups and the advantages and challenges we face while interacting with each group.
Now I have moon and venus in virgo and mercury in Scorpio. That doesn't mean I will get along with water and Earth people. I simply cannot stand earth people in real life - esp virgo and cappy ones. And they never get to understand me as what I am. But an air can do it easily irrespective of their planetary configuration. I know there are more details even inside Air-Air mixing. But I cannot afford to concentrate on it and waste my time only on astrology. I stop at Sun Signs. I don't even buy the idea that its all bcoz of influence from various constellations. So only when I have solved that part, I will be willing to go further and get into details of other planets.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( I think some things need to play out before the tie can be broken. ))
depends on how long you are in that relationship irrespective of whichever way you are getting treated. Thats a trouble with libra. gotta wait for the right time.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Well here I am, 10am UK time and I have been out of bed since 9!...And I forgot to ask to remember my dream...shit..nevermind..I'll try wait..I will leave it to the next weekend as I don't want to remember a disturbing dream, I have a hard week at work ahead of
So Kris wants a Scorpio woman!..Well now theres a surprise...Brrring it..I hope you find, passion oh my the words of my ex leo.."I'll never find a woman like you again, I just know it"...awwwww....7 years baby!!! almost a marriage..
SR: I don't think you like to be dominated so Scorpio women and you just won't work..Leo don't like being dominated as well but they sure as hell like to compete and argue...I guess it depends on what you easy ride (not in the sexual sense) or a bit of a challenge and headache..
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I had the biggest bust up with my Leo friend on Thursday night..never speaking to him again..we've both deleted each others accounts on msn messenger...He had yet to develop mentally me thinks..immature twat...