I've just had a first date with a cap- please help

that's great cc but keep your cards close to the vest now. You drew him back in to get here now pull back for this round to see what he's got. Winking

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I promised my mom I would name my daughter after her so that's what it'll be.
Well can you kiss me anyway while devil and Roxi aren't looking? I just want a peck on the face.
"its not britney...is it?
No but it does start with a B but I'm not saying what it is online.
That's alright, FuckinA. I've hit rock bottom now that she's said no for the last time. I can only go up from here.
So is your hair do.
Lol!! Your 12 gage and cape. The protecter of Dehli. Very sexy look for you.
*Doctor rushes up to treat me for multiple gunshot wounds in the back from Roxi*
in a way she is kind of protecting herself from being hurt by not getting involved she doesnt have to face an ending like she says but if she carries on that way it is only going to bring her more misery she needs to be told face to face,isnt there some kind of group she can join where she can meet men just has friends that wont use her.
Just click on my profile if the link doesn't work. They are the two youtube videos under "Intrests". Does it work now?
Well at least when we both heal we can take revenge. We will probably end up in prison but I've come up with a daring escape that requires only a spoon.