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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
I went out to the movies with this Aqua/scorp moon---wish i knew his asc with his bluntness id guess aries but i dont know....---od so we went to the movies the other night and i was sooo embarassed/offended at his behavior he was so rude and lacked... ... refinement...i dont know but ...ive never been so bothered by that wait im lying...but im not a snob or anything its just that there are certain mannerisms in such a simple place as the movie theater...we got stuck in a small theater and i wanted an empty row but he had to stack right on top and in between other couples which was annoying but i got over it...anyway when the film starts he yells out how now he has to go to the bathroom and pee DAMN! and races down the steps...he gets back everyones quiet enjoying the movie-I Am Legend- so you know it was fairly quiet in the beginning-- he comes and yells in my ear What Happened What I Miss!!!...Im like nothing shut the # $ @% least thats how i looked...then he kept trying to talk then he answered his phone like 6 times and talked liked conversed not bothering to whisper....the guy who had to sit in the mist of everyone...had to tell one guy HAppy Birthday 'yo Im at the movies yeah ill call you when i get out uh huh yeah i dont know maybe like an hour and a half blah blah blah.... ...pissed...6 phone calls all HAD to be answered i would have been content with him texting...pants were off his ass... cologne... ugh ugh...when i met him i guess he was dressed proper for work...hes not...not attractive... until he gets in public i guess...
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59
I really wanted to kick his ass from the beginning when he had his shigh beams staring directly into my your car get out...might as well had blew the horn too...damn i thought looks were deceiving but apparently conversation can be too...because we have/had good convo...i dont know hadnt talked to him since...i gotta think about it...
Im not too lazy to eat....but i AM too lazy to go MAKE something to eat LOL.
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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
brains 100% , women with glasses turn me on
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Nov 05, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 201 · Topics: 21
Yes, having Jupiter in your love area is a real blessing. We Geminis had it last year and this year all those connections we made in 2007 are supposed to get deeper and more pyhsical. Guess what? I had indeed fallen in love with my Virgo under the Jupiter's effect and we are more intimate now! We had a real intense conversation this week (again, when Mars and Ploto were in effect) and he promised me that we would never lose each other (after I complained about not seeing him enough and fearing of losing him because of my persistance).
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
The Eagle has landed. (or nested, or something like that!)
I jumped the gun, but yesterday afternoon my Scorp was sitting on the loveseat with a baby in each arm, so very peaceful (have I mentioned that The Twins are quieter with her than with me? Well, they are!) -- la mia bella donna! -- so, I took a chance...
HER: What are you smiling about?
ME: Y'all.
HER: (Shakes her head.)
ME: What??
HER: You're so silly!
ME: I am not! I just love my family, that's all.
HER: You better!
ME: I do! Y'all make me very happy... and you know, if you want to stay home with them for a while longer, that's OK by me...
HER: (Through drawn eyelashes.) Is that what YOU want me to do?
[Dammit! - I hate when she does that sh1t! Puts me on the spot!]
ME: Yes. [Thank God! For once, I didn't qualify it - not one HOWEVER, or BUT ON THE OTHER HAND...]
HER: (Brown eyes getting wet.) I knew it.
[Now, I'd rather be punched in the gut than see a woman cry, so I go into full-blown Virgo Emotional Panic Mode.]
ME: (On my knees, with a hand on each of her knees.) Baby, please! You know I want you to do what you want to do! [I'm not quite babbling, but close!]
HER: I know. [Not being dramatic, but she gives me this look, and my heart skips a beat.]
HER: They need me here.
ME: Yeah, but I want you to be happy, too.
HER: I AM happy!
ME: Staying home?
HER: Yes.
ME: OK then. Stay home as long as you want to.
And that was that.
Yeah, there's still a ton of details to be ironed-out, and a new budget plan to be mapped for the coming years, but that's no sweat for a Virgo.
Just don't cry!