The Leo and His Den!

GS yes he will come back, something you have to temper and work on is your level of have him, he's not going anywhere, when he pulls away you pull away even further, this will draw him back into you.. your leo sense you needing him and needing his time and attention, he's fully aware of it and no he hasn't forgotten you but if you go out of your way to say hey here I am then you take all the fun out of it for him lol...let him simmer down for a few days or maybe even a week so he can build it back up and he will be back on the prowl, leo men need time to roam and do there own thing, if you can't deal with that then your going to have a difficult time in this relationship, give him space to play and roam and bask his sun on the rest of the world, it doesn't mean he's forgotten you or is ready to dump you..he can't go head on full throttle with the i love you's and xo's on a constant basis, it becomes boring and routine and its truly not sensible to be this way all the time, he needs room to breathe a bit.
Remember take the love you's and xo's as they come for that moment but when he goes into hibernation don't panic, he said he loves you, thats HUGE, it means he's really digging you so no worries hun, some women see relationships as a primary importance and focus primarily on the relationship, most men deem relationships as one of many primary things to have in life, his life isn't based around jus you and the relationship, he has his job, his kid/s, catching up with his friends, he has hobbies, all these things tie into his life as well. He's focused on the NOW, right now these are issues he's dealing with, when things are put in order he will make time for you. It's important that you have your life outside of him also and you show him that by doing your own thing and not worrying about him, its okay if you 2 don't talk for a couple days atleast it should be.
He's not going anywhere, next time try allowing space so he can come back to you first, don't LOOK for him, its a turn off and it screams needy and clingy, if he's not calling or texting then you sit still, don't contact him, he will appreciate your self reliance and confidence and suprisingly he will step up and keep in contact with you more when your not bothered by his behavior plus showing a man that he's not bringing your sun up and down on a daily is more attractive than showing him your scared after not speaking for several days.

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That's great, Garfield .... I hope he makes all your dreams come true. smile

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