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Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
Yet again, I have a Taurus rising, so that may be it for me.
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May 24, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 206 · Topics: 67
P-Angel i totally agree with you, my girlfriend had been offered plays but then cannot commit as much as she should be able to because she lives to far away!
maybe you are right, she feeling unsuccessful but she has lived with me a year and hasnt done anything in that time, but i think i may help her feel better if she moves back home, she will be able to save cash to go traveling.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"to wait until circumstances change to a degree where my decisions are made for me because of them"
Like that ^^^^
When in reality .. you hold the Big Slick, Roxi (your power cards) .. we all do. And they mean nothing if you only play the cards, and not the power of them.
Meaning .... you have it within you to pave the road ahead of you, rather than waiting for the opponent (life situations) to only give you limited choices to decide upon.
Yeah I like that too PA - I think just about anyone can relate to some of these thoughts in some way or another.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
(( hmmm, could a person be both good & wise ))
Yup. But hard work.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"Tho, do you guys think she is also biased in the way PA described? I think she sometimes EXPECTS BS from people so much, that she overlooks sincerity."
Yeah, I think so .. especially when it involves men and child support BECAUSE of her years in family court. A point came where I had to stop watching her show because it really ticked me off when she did this. If it's a situation where there's a child, then she automatically stops listening to whatever the man is saying and has immediately made her decision that he's wrong in the case .. even when the case doesn't even involve the child.
The ex, who is upset about something that has nothing to do with support of the child .. Judy will rule in her favor, even if the man was right within the scenerio, simply because there is a child between them and in her eyes, she's already made the assumption that he isn't paying enough to support the kid.
I remember watching a situation where the guy said that him and the ex were in the middle of a child support case when Judy found out that they have a kid, and told him that that wasn't good enough .. it was his obligation to have approached this issue long before now, eventhough the current case wasn't even about the child, and then ruled for the plaintiff.
That's wrong, in my eyes ... a person isn't guilty of every charge simply because they have done something wrong with another issue.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
If she sounded like a bunny boiler, probably that explains the whole situation. Cross check with him.
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May 24, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 206 · Topics: 67
Bijou - the reason she moved down in the first place was to be with me and also Hull is a cheaper place to live so she could save up cash for us to go travelling, but i believe now she is getting stressed out that her uni friends are gettign work and she isnt?
i think i will mention it to her next week, she isnt very well at the minute, so should let her recover
Much Love for comments!
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Jul 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 18
Cancerian men and women have major trouble letting go. Not just their relationships but people, things, and minor conflicts as well. After a short scuffle they constantly want to dwell on it trying to prove points and the opposition wrong. Even after the matter is done and taken care of thinking about it is a different thing but Cancers like to make a grand show of the whole thing again and again. The whole thing about isolating and crawling back in the shell happens after they have obsessed over a matter long enough.