First, I think any male-female relationship will always have some undertones of attraction, at least in the beginning.
That aside, for me, a man can have lunch with a female friend and peck or hug. It is only a problem if he acts in a way that appears to put the other friend first, or if there are other trust issues. It shouldnt be a problem if the relationship is healthy and he has his priorities straight. (AKA .. I seriously need him today but he chooses the friend = bad. Hmm but that would go for a same sex friend too)
"Fire is really fun to play with though"
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
It'll be interesting to see.
Oddly, the only other Virgo that I've met in person, as far as I know, is my cousin Mark 9/1/ don't know the year... likely between 1945 - 1948. As he's in the same age group as my two older brothers. Sadly, I don't know him very well.
I'm 8/31/1960, and the gal I currently have the hots for, is 9/13/1960.
I met this gal on MySpace and we've been writing for about a month now.
So far, we have a lot in common. We think a lot alike and she seems cut of the same cloth as DY, and SA.
My emotions are running rampant too... she makes my head spin. I'm doing my best to STAY CALM though, hehe.
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Nov 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 384 · Topics: 58
There's playing hard to get and then there's being plain rude by ignoring your calls and texts. How can you play hard to get when you're not even communicating with someone?!
As a Taurus I know we have a reputation for wanting money spent on us left, right and centre, but I'm not like that at all.
Seems you've raised the stakes by speaking to other women in front of her, maybe you should see how she reacts to this by calling her? If you like her enough that is.
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
>I wouldn't put too much effort in to hating her or anyone else, they have no care in the world. She above all people on here gets off by fucking with peoples heads.
P-Angel is a "roleplayer".
In a MMORPG, or MassiveMultiplayerOnlineRolePlayingGame, such as Everquest, or WorldOfWarcraft, almost everyone is a roleplayer. Some like being Evils, some Goods, some Neutrals.
Here on DXP, most of us assume that everyone here are REAL, straightforward and honest and seeking help, advice or to help others.
But some, such as P-Angel like to roleplay here, because they don't think anyone is real here. They think most of us are a bunch of phonies, or at least that's her excuse.
Frankly, I can see why she might think so, in a way.
Unlike MySpace, where people have a LOT of info about themselves posted for everyone to see, and LOTS of pictures of themselves and their friends.... which is a pretty good indicator of them being REAL people.... here on DXP, 99% of the people here are totally ANON. No personal info, no pictures. And so, difficult for some people to feel humanly towards.
yeah ..i did that to an aries he dissapeared.. now i wish he would turn up again..i even real miss him sometimes..but i still wouldn't wanna be with him..i just wanna hang friends..have fun ...
We have come back from Christmas holidays and the first time I saw him he run and sat next to me asking me a million questions about my holidays. He seemed so happy to see me.
I had just caught the flu and I could not hear him pretty well which caused tension because I was too worried not to go close to him (not to pass it to him). I was acting so goofy that day (and I could not stop it!)plus, I couldn't stop contanly blushing when he was talking to me!
Next day, I met him by mistake in the library. I saw him quite happy to see me. He asked me about the class he had missed and I gave him all the information. We studied a little bit together but he was slightly more distant (though everytime I was just thinking about something he was stopping his studying and asking me if everything was ok)
I am worried I pay to him too much attention but I cannot help it! Everytime he comes close to me I feel like taking care of him. I am trying not to suffocate him with my interest. I feel so much pressure!
He has significally come closer to me since the first time I have met him and he seems to have opened up more and be more relaxed when he is with me. My friends told me that he might talk to me more because he is taking advantage of my notes and only. We are in exam period now.
Today I didn't even go to class because I didn't want to meet him. I feel so confused and I don't know how I should behave! (I have even thought about stop talking to him!)
What should I do? (He is a 3rd decan pisces)
Signed Up:
Sep 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2181 · Topics: 82
Spent 6 years of my life with one and we're still great friends. My mums a Sadge too and is one of the best people I know, everyone loves her. I've actually yet to meet a Sadge I didn't like!