LOL cappy and it is.
but hey nick, maybe you want to put your post in the libra section? I don't know just wondering...
Signed Up:
Oct 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 12
*****That's another big no-no with any male...expectations...especially after only 2 dates! yikes******2 dates and a month of HIM calling ME or TM-ing ME nearly every day, for the record. It isn't entirely based upon that. It is the lack of consideration to not return 3 TM's, and a phone call asking how he is recovering in now....going on 9 days. That's just rude. Patience or not, 2 dates and a month of phone dating or not, rude is rude. The only time I don't give the courtesy of returning a phone call to someone is: stalkers, phone solicitors, and wrong numbers.
This virgo obviously thought I was special enough to call me nearly daily for the entire 3 weeks I was gone and then was so anxious to see me that he asked to pick me up at the airport (which I declined) and then pushed to see me the same day I arrived so he could take me out to dinner and a movie that same nite. After the evening concluded with him NOT getting sex and then vanishing for going into the 2nd week....I'd say he just had one intention planned the entire time and he wasn't successful and that kind of proves my theory of why he hasn't bothered to respond in a reasonable amount of time to let me know that he's ok, don't you think?
Yes, maybe you're right. It is possible that he was so deathly sick that he cannot return 1 of 2 TM's with his fingers and a phone call to tell me he is feeling better or to let me know he is ok or not ok. I sincerely do hope he is OK. Too bad there isn't a cure for rudeness tho! He could have had that checked out by the Dr. and taken something for it. LOL
It doesn't matter to me now anymore. It's a pity because I was really getting to like him more then the other guys I am meeting and going out with and until now I WAS really looking forward to returning and then spending more time getting to know him and much less or NO time with the other guys I date at all. But like I said before...rudeness is just a huge turn-off for me. So is the attempt at being used!
Not saying it's a Virgo thing because it covers anyones sign and gender.However,the patience thing you mentioned I've had plenty of exposure to that after being in an exclusive relationship with a Libra in the recent past. It's probably what has made me intolerant now to people I'm dating who like to disappear and play games.
i'm a cancer male.
i hate to admit it but i care too much too fast.
Signed Up:
Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
Your Birthdate: April 16 (aries)
You're incredibly introverted and introspective. You live inside your head.
You spend a lot of alone time meditating and thinking.
People see you as withdrawn, and at times they are right.
You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself.
Your strength: Your original approach to thinking
Your weakness: You tend to shy away from others
Your power color: Pale blue
Your power symbol: Wavy line
Your power month: July
true to some extent, but i can't deny my date...........
:-o Rain is that you (Rain is my ex-cancer)
That's exactly what happened with me. Only difference that I start calling her 3-6 months after we "brokeup" and constantly calling once a week and speaking to her at least 1-2hrs trying to win her back. Don't try to explain it, weird aqua I know.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I am the most comfortable in my own company, it's where you can relax and be yourself. I've always said, I would marry the man who I could forget he was there.
BINGO! SexyScorp you hit this one head on! LOL! I want my husband to exist but not exist if that makes sense to anyone. I want him to know I love him in my heart, however, my logic just won't allow me to give him "closeness" or the time that he wants us to be close with each other. I cannot deal with a man who wants me to be stuck up under him all the time. Too much closeness scares me, it makes me feel like you are trying to trap me, contain me in a cage.
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Krobe....your posts to SF was simply eloquent. I enjoyed each word...thanks
Thanks but I guess some people cannot understand how you can love some one and not want to be close too them. I don't know why I am like this but this is how I feel when someone else wants to be "too close" to me.
leo girl how long did it take him to start calling you constantly after you cut contact with him?
He contacted me after two days ago and told me what he did all this period of time and asked about me as well and in the and told to me okey see you, and again dissappear, what you will say on this ? Some comments
Signed Up:
Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Oh Sweets,
The Cancer man I am dealing with a very commitment phobic, which is just fine with me because I am commitment phobic myself. I guess to understand a commitment, you have to be one. I don't give him space, I give him distance. ALOT of distance and I live my life and date other men and don't include him in on nothing. Period. He will never unfold the mystery of me. Commitment phobic men get bored easily from the day in day out routine of a relationship. There behavior is very destructive and they don't trust easily. Which is so fine with me because my behavior is very destructive too. I love to date other men, which is fine with him because he doesn't want me to lay down and say here you can have me. That's why he stuck in there with me while I was in a relationship with my Cap man. Because he was not required to be there. LOL!
I don't require him to be here, so if I see him fine, if I don't that is fine too. I don't limit my time or space to just one person esp if he behavior doesn't fit up to my standards. I also cannot do "wifely" things for him. I have to have the attitude I don't care, if you want to be here fine, if not that if fine too. Someone else will take your place. If I am with anyone else, friends, family, blah...blah... He gets freightened. SO until he comes out of his shell, I act like he is not important and doesn't exist. It's like the less I do and the less available I am too him, the more he "tries" to come around. But the minute I show him love, he is out.