WOW...... reading these coments i sense a little bit of hate coming from kielbasa.
Its infair and ignorant to belieive that all men born under the aquarius sign are going to behave alike according to other peoples experiences and assuming that these stories are accurate and true.
I have been with my aqua for 7 years now and have known him for over 11 years and believe me, its been amazing! We were friends first for over 4 years and then our attraction got the better of us and decided to make a go of it. I believe that the strenght of our relationship is built on the trust we have for each other as well as the deep love we hold and this is not formed over night. He is still unpredictable but that makes things exciting, it would be boring without!
I hope things work out for you pisces but sometimes, regardless of star signs, things are just not ment to be.
Signed Up:
Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Hi, sagigoat, s* Here's a lil info. for you.
Jupiter in Scorpio is a very powerful influence on willpower and personal magnetism. If you have this Jupiter position you tend to be successful in artistic work. And many excel at ferreting out hidden information. This would make you an excellent psychiatrist, researcher, politician, or security agent in government. Luck comes to you through your strong attraction for the opposite sex. Often the door is opened to career and financial opportunity because of sexual liasons. Scorpio is the sign of death and regeneration, and Jupiter in this sign promotes skill in medicine, surgery and therapy. You possesss shrewdness in money matters, and many of you have a Midas touch for picking lucrative investments. Sometimes you benefit from inheritances during your lifetime.
Your luckiest times of the year are when the Sun is in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Also Jupiter transiting your first house ascendant; this is a very lucky time as well. The closer to degree the better. As Jupiter is the planet of luck and optimism, you will therefore possess all the more favourable, positive qualities of Scorpio. Those born with a "scorpio sun" will likely feel a very natural, friendly rapport with you.
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Nah, he?s not being cold to hurt her, in my opinion its to make her hate him. I do this often, turn cold because the pysychology is that being nice means they will always cling to you. He doesnt want anything from her (hurt-heart) and he is trying to turn her against him, its easier to deal with hatred than love (no sense but true all the same)!!
I?m sorry sweetie..but at least he?s not stringing you along, thats worse.
Hi venusian1! I too am a Libran woman with experience of Gemini men, but I must stress that this is only me relating my personal experience, so don't take it too seriously ok? (know what us Librans are like!) Well, I just ended a marriage with a Gemini. We were together for 17 years, and boy did I learn some ugly truths (which he kept veiled so well, too well in fact). My husband was seeing other women throughout our marriage. I don't know what the tally is, that's the extent of his cheating. Nine years into our marriage, I found out that he had been dating a woman for 5 years of our marriage. He kept it all so well hidden, and was an expert at knowing how to cover up his escapades. I did have suspicions (Libran intuition), and confronted him about them on many different occasions. Each time I did, he told me 'What are you talking about?! I love you. I can't believe you would think such a thing!' He made me think I was going crazy. Of course, being Libran, I expected that what he told me was the truth (we can be gullible, oh yes, very) Then, one day, this woman appears at the door, and asks to speak to me. She told me that she had been seeing my husband for five years, and finally ended it because he wouldn't commit to her. She wanted me to know what was going on, because she said she thought I would never find out otherwise. Anyway, I've been rambling on too long. All I can say is that my experience of Geminis has been very painful. I never felt like I knew who he was, and he was so good at masking himself. I'd just like to point out as well that we had an active, adventurous sex life throughout our marriage, and that still didn't stop him from venturing elsewhere for his kicks. But, as I said before, don't take my experiences too seriously, as you can't judge them all through the follies of one.
Oh, and there's another thing I wanted to add venusian1. If your intuition is strongly suggesting that something isn't right--listen to it! As librans, we have a tendency to not trust our instincts, because we always want to believe the best in people. This can lead to us being manipulated and abused by others, because we always want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. If you're having bad feelings, don't turn your back on them like I did. I know it can be difficult when you don't have anything to work from, especially if your partner is as good at cover-ups as mine was. I know that this is probably eating you up (Libras focus all of their attention on their relationships, and when they're going wrong, we suffer...badly) Just listen to what your heart is trying to tell you.
Hey VirgoKitten,
Strange how you say about the half assed answers Virgos don't like, because that's exactly what it felt like all the time we knew each other - everytime something along the lines of our relationship came up it was as if he gave me all these half assed answers or went quiet. Admittedly I was too shy/insecure to bring it up as well, but as a woman I feel like a man should take the lead in this area - call me old fashioned!
However, I did feel like the fact that my UK visa was only temporary, did play a role in all of this. But, typical taurus, I believe: where there's a will there's a way. If you really want something you'll fight for it. In the end I just thought: well....he must've not really wanted this, because he would've fought for it if he did. That's why I left.
Now that he's emailed, he brought back so many things - so true about virgos: they remember very, very well - he brought up things that happened so long surprises me how he can still remember things like my dream car, which I only told him once in small conversation like 3 and a half years ago : )
Anyway, its a bit easier being friends when you're in different countries....a bit sad though, coz i keep thinking what could've been......
He told me previously he really hopes I come and find him in Australia when he was there....a small part of me now really hopes he comes and find me in South Africa...though I don't think Virgos are good with big, emotional demonstrations : )
Thanks for the's nice to vent somewhere.
Signed Up:
Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
"i don't really have "a love of upheval for the sake of upheaval".
same here; i have to genuinely believe in something and believe it hard. Or what's the point, but an empty victory. Generally i'm very easygoing and patient, yet very independent of thought & emotion. I too constantly go back and forth between emotion and detachment, as well. Piscean sun with three planets in aquarius.
'what will push my buttons'
curiously, i find my Mars/Leo to be the initiator to my aqua-moon's reactions. (moon opposes both mars & merc) Generally lack of respect or appreciation; what initially disappoints the fires of Leo. Also, unjustness or unfairness in the system or society in general. i can sympathize with complete strangers; the underdog that doesn't get heard. i've never been influenced by peers or numbers; so if one person alone made more sense to me than a million then i would independantly be loyal and sympathize with that one.
Signed Up:
Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
Yes, and yes. It re-affirmed for me that I'm heterosexual, but I feel that experience was necessary for me so I could be sure. I develop much stronger emotional bonds with women than I do with men, so in my younger years, it made things a bit confusing.
Signed Up:
Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
WTF is up with the kitten-hating? Must people here try so hard here to turn everything into an argument? Christ.
Signed Up:
Feb 19, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 4444 · Topics: 44
Well...I guess I'm screwed then. I just tried to send another one and it didn't go either. WTF? Could someone fix this? That'd be nice.