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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Guys, do you find it normal to get annoyed if your boyfriend looks at other women?
No, I don't get annoyed at all. If you know you are number 1, why let someone else intimidate you? If he treats you like a queen and a prize then another woman shouldn't even be a threat (well not to me). Men should have friends and look at who they want to, it is human nature.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Caps are stable, strong steady partners esp you like stability and not excitement, a Cap man would be a good match for you.
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
THunder THunder THUNDER CATSSSSSSS,HOOOOOOO!!!!! Thunder cats are on the loose ...whoopps since i heard cat fight had to put dat in,lol. WHO u think would make a good cheetara. MMM sweet fatale u would make an awesoem cheetah despite u being a bull u too xangel,lol.
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
"Hypnotic sounds like he is in love!"
I say life is beautiful and you say i must be in love!!
Love sucks,sex rocks.
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
"sex is a rollercoaster ride baybeeee!"
Stop hinting to me lady,you will get it patient.
Comon Nutso,finish already..i have a lots of women waiting.
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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
"...not hinting that I'm perfect already,oh no,no I....."
Nobody is perfect mate,but me.
Thanks Mistery. Yep, you got it all right. From what I have read about Aquas they seem to have the tendenacy to walk away for days and then come back like nothing has happened. He is not a jealous person or atleast he does not seem to be. I will try very hard to never date an aqua again. We are meeting tomorrow, I need closure. My thought for a few months is that he has wanted to move on or already has just does not want to hurt me and he really wants to be my friend. They hate to be confronted so I am hoping to get through the conversation without tears. I do not understand the lack of compassion and communication. I have walked away shaking my head thinking to myself did he really just say that??? I need to be able to walk out my front door without feeling like I have to run to my car. I do love him so it will be hard but necessary.
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Oct 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 44
Well first off, I don't deal with virgos much so I really have no idea how that brain of theirs work. Maybe I haven't read enough into these boards but to start my virgo adventure off maybe you all can help as to whats REALLY going on with a virgo acquaintance. Although, in the past the virgos I've known are pretty straight forward and there isn't much going on either than what they mean but I just have to ask, I'm curious.
Where do I start? Okay, so we meet at work and we start really goofing off and we're really alike despite the fact that i'm a libra and she's a virgo. I think it's because of the libra in her charts. Anyway, after like a week of knowing her it's like we're best friends, like we totally hit it off (friends-wise). We go out a couple of times and we have these bonding conversations that totally make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
This is the part where it confuses me because its totally not virgo behaviour I'd expect at all. We make plans to go out one day. So come that day I call her to see whats going on, she picks up and tells me 'oh, change of plans'. So I'm confused, first why she didn't call me earlier to tell me at least and second I ask her why? she says she'll tell me later. In my head she owes me an explanation at LEAST. Days later she contacts apologizes but still doesn't say why she didn't bother calling me or canceling on me. I'm finding it hard to forgive her..
Like.. I don't get it.
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Jan 14, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1233 · Topics: 77
just curious if this guy is in nyc and his name is al?