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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
love is something different for everyone. it can't be defined.
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Nov 19, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 187 · Topics: 27
Ok, so I appreciate all of your advice UC, and picse dork...but I did slip and call him! doh! This is the first time that I have let myself slip though, all along I have let him do the calling and 2 weekends ago I broke and called him first! He said he wanted to do something the following night, and then never called! I was so hurt, when I saw him at work the next day, he asked me how my night was and I played it cool and said I had a good time with my friends...but I didn't say anything negative or nasty to him for not calling me when he said he would. He left the next day for a trip, and said he would call me when he got back....he returned this's Friday and still have not heard from really looks like things are over...but the sad part is, I am ok with just being his friend, in fact I think we are better off as friends...but I just don't get it, I have been nothing but cool with him, put NO pressure on him to get invovled in a relationship, and now he's playing a disappearing act? I knew I should have stayed away from this guy from the beginning, simply not ready for any emotional attachment, even as friends I believe...Still hurts that he didn't even call...he's leaving again next week for another week vacation...So Over.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
shouldn't it be vulcanrulesvirgo?
or are you trying to make a statement?
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Check out whats happening in the stars...maybe theres some weird stuff going on!
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
there there, shaka. *pats head*
you really shouldn't snap that way at an ex-convict.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
mm, and what is this virgo doing now? tisk, tisk.
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May 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1078 · Topics: 68
When you say "I have some ugly shit going on in here, so I need someone who is down for the ride: I feel like things are being pulled out of me....stuff like all the agression I've used to control myself" which you refer to as the "dark side" of your emotions, what thoughts or emotions are you referring to? Have you been able to identify specific thoughts or feelings or just a general feeling of uneasiness? The reason I ask is because I know someone who has said something very similar and I'd like to help them with this. Do you think these thoughts/feelings are really different from the norm, b/c I think we all have thoughts that we are occasionally afraid of and that's just our human nature responding the flawed nature of this world.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Calling is NOT an option. It is completely off the table. He never returns my calls. A huge part of that is because he is crazy busy, in other countries, etc. Email is much better cause he can get back to me in his own time.
It could very well be for closure so I don't always have this "what could have been" fantasy in the back of my mind. Or it could be for joint creative venture. Or it could be the beginning of a wonderful happy friendship.