Posted by Taurus_mnIts funny because initally i dated the guy when i was 19 for about 6 months. We broke up but remained close. He had a bunch of other demons...he went to rehab and had success in the military.Posted by Boots1313I think people can change but it has to come from within that person to have the desire to do so, and I believe theirs really only certain things people can change within themselves if that makes sense?
2 times...wont go back a 3rd time
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I learned my lesson. People dont really change.
1st time cheated on me.
2nd time cheated on me.
Cheating on the other hand, I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily something someone can really change. I’ve always said, once a cheater always a cheaterclick to expand
Posted by Taurus_mnIts funny because initally i dated the guy when i was 19 for about 6 months. We broke up buy remained close. He had a bunch of other demons...he went to rehab and had success in the military.Posted by Boots1313I think people can change but it has to come from within that person to have the desire to do so, and I believe theirs really only certain things people can change within themselves if that makes sense?
2 times...wont go back a 3rd time
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I learned my lesson. People dont really change.
1st time cheated on me.
2nd time cheated on me.
Cheating on the other hand, I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily something someone can really change. I’ve always said, once a cheater always a cheaterclick to expand