why do you guys............

Ok, now I'm getting irritated. My ex-leo is driving me insane. He's showing up at the place I hang out on the weekends and is basically watching me from what my friends have been telling me. I feel really uncomfortable and I don't know why he is doing this. We haven't been dating for a while now. He was somewhat staying away and this weekend he decided to hang out where I do at night. Why, why, why! My friends where telling me he was watching anytime a guy came near me and that was making me feel uncomfortable. He lives an hour away and yet he's coming down and hanging out. Most of the people he knows there are because of me and they don't really talk to him much anymore but, they were only being friendly because I asked them too but, my friends are very protective of me and don't like someone playing games with me. He even tried to hit on a women there too which was dumb because I know her. I told him he needed to go hit on women in his own town and his own area and stop messing with my feelings. He denied that he was hitting on anyone but, I watched, I saw and she also told me and he didn't know that she knew me. One thing he hasn't learned is that I know alot of people and they will tell me what is going on because he's in my neck of the woods. Why can't he just stay away so, I don't know what he is doing and it would make things easier for both of us. It's hard enough that I still like him alot but, I need him away from me to get over him and I told him that. Sorry for the ramble. I just needed to get this out!