why do you guys............

Leos can bring endless amounts of fun and romance into a relationship. They can also be passionately generous with their hearts, time, energy and money. But what if your Leo isn't resembling any of this sign's typical positive traits? What if your Leo likes to play mind games, is stingy (or worse, hot and cold) with his or her affections, dishonest or disloyal? If this is the case, then you're in love with an immature Leo.
An immature Leo is one of the hardest signs to deal with in love, because when things are good, they're soooo good that it almost makes it worthwhile to put up with the more difficult aspects of the immature Leo's personality. They are usually very charming, which they can use to persuade you to see the pros of giving them their way all the time. However, this is the exact opposite of what will help them grow up and learn how to consider others in love. Like their astrological representation, the Lion, they believe themselves to be the Kings (or Queens) of the Jungle. When you cater to this belief, the immature Leo will take advantage and get stuck in the "Gimme, 'cause I deserve it" mode. They will take everything you have to offer and still want more. Nothing you do will ever be enough to convince them you are the love of their lives. The more insecure a Leo is, the more arrogant and inconsiderate he or she will act.
Ironically, the only thing this kind of Leo will respect (or respond to) is someone who has the courage to walk away. They may initially view your walking away as a sign that you don't love them enough, but eventually they will come to respect you for not taking anymore of the crap they know they've been dishing out to you. (Because they're very aware of how to leave a good impression, Leos know when they're mistreating someone. Sidenote: RUN, don't walk, if your Leo doesn't care at all that he or she is disappointing you.)