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Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
16). Use logic to outsmart him. You have to be up on top of his game.
***Not sure what to outsmart him about or why. I do know that he says he doesn't loose at anything and is very cocky about it.
17). The more you want him, the less he want you. The more he wants you, the more you need to let HIM see that you don't need him.
***He had told me once that if he didn't stay away that I could be the one to change is future. Not sure if he meant that or if it was just something he said to smooth things over.
18). Be highly independent and don't ask him or expect him to do nothing. If he does something fine, if not then do it yourself. Leo's do NOT like needy people who EXPECT us to save them. You cannot throw you emotional baggage or finanical situtations on us and expect us to "save" you or rescue you. You will get left. No, No savior in a Leo. He wants to be there for you but he doesn't want you to require he be there.
***I am very highly independent. I take care of myself, my family, I have a nice vehicle, a home that I own and more. Not needy at all. I can fix just about anything around my house but, I don't want anyone taking advantage of my kindness because I do like to give to people to help them out. People always seem to call me when they need something.
19). Do not, I REPEAT, do not give to a Leo if he is not giving to you. Give him something to work for. If you give him more then he gives you, you are not challenging him. Make him WORK for your love.
***Leo brought me flowers just because before and he has helped me around the house just because. He was the one who used to do most of the work to come see me and I really didn't do much for him because he never seemed to want or need anything.
20). DO not be a doormat. If he wants you to meet him somewhere, tell him NO
***No doormat here. I only went out of my way once to see him. He always came to me.