why do you guys............

I'm not happy now. If I was I probably wouldn't be talking about this on here because I would be with him. I like my freedom and he gave that to me for the most part but, I was getting used to being with him and being apart of him and that made me happy. I do like to flirt and so does he, we are only human. We both like attention and it feels good to be appreciated and there is nothing wrong with that. My life has never been peaceful and quiet. I'm always doing things. I do miss him alot and I thought I was doing good until he showed back up around. It's been over a month and I get offers all the time from men but, I don't want them, I want him and I'm having a tough time. I can't figure out how to move on and the weird thing is, is that not very many men can have me feel this way about them. He was very affectionate and I loved that. He listened and I loved that. He was attentive and I loved that, oh and was and is cute as hell. It's weird because he is not the type of guy I would normal go out with and I almost blew him off but for some reason I convinced myself that it was ok to be cared for by him and that's when my walls started to go down. I'm so ready to settle down and maybe that is why I decided to get involved with him because he is the type of guy that I could settle down with. I just wish things could be different and somehow I could fix things but, I don't know how.