Posted by aquarius09You answered me, I meant long relationships because of your placements. Op misunderstood and I was just too lazy to correct her.Posted by saggurl88Correct! I don’t like long relationships. I don’t think people are even cut out for that biologically speaking so why delude yourself thinking there is happily ever after with one dude. The only time it can work though is if there is a lotttt of absences involved because absence makes the heart grow fonder for me.Posted by aquarius09Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. 🌪 That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Edit: wait, do you mean long term or long distance? I took that as long term. Also, I wouldn’t do long distance relationship. I don’t even entertain anyone outside of my to expand
Posted by aquarius09You answered me, I meant long relationships because of your placements. Op misunderstood and I was just too lazy to correct it.Posted by saggurl88Correct! I don’t like long relationships. I don’t think people are even cut out for that biologically speaking so why delude yourself thinking there is happily ever after with one dude. The only time it can work though is if there is a lotttt of absences involved because absence makes the heart grow fonder for me.Posted by aquarius09Yeah I wasn’t talking about your monsoon of air you have. ? That’s a ton! Do you even like long relationships?
Not me. I couldn’t care less about anyone but people in my inner circle. This Aqua must be a water or earth insecure moon.
Edit: wait, do you mean long term or long distance? I took that as long term. Also, I wouldn’t do long distance relationship. I don’t even entertain anyone outside of my to expand