Any other Aquarius gets overwhelmed and overthink when someone you like cuts you off?

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88


Sag aren’t malicious signs, just like Aquas.

Their situation is such an easy fix and it could be a really great relationship and friendship.

Sag aren’t quick to be bored with Aquas, we just like spending time with the person, no matter where. And we will plan vacations and drag you with us on adventures.

You Aquas are sometimes quick to try and settle with fast moving chasers (Pisces and Gemini) and then they get bored of your ways. The same quickness it took to get you, is the same way they leave once things get steady or stale.

I really am optimistic that if they can get over this hump things can work.
Lol I think Sag female and Aqua male could have a long term meaningful relationship. Not so for the other way around.

Once Aqua women mature, we don't have time for Sag men. From what I've read on your bff Sag's posts on here, it seems like a no go.

He seems to care for her alot, but will not allow himself to love her, because he's scared of her. He even said he feels sorry for all the girls her treated the way she treats him. Smh

As far as Pisces and Gem, once again all of the Aqua chicks that post those stories on Dxp have water drowning them. I don't have the same experiences. Trust me. I have traumatized 2 Gems before I realized that I just don't like them. Now I just shoot them down at initiatal contact. Years have passed and those 2 Gems are still trying to get me back. They are gd to me, but so much about makes my skin crawl. Pisces, I attract them, but im usually not interested.

I just saw this. Sorry for the late reply.

As for my Sag Bff. That Aqua is running wild and he’s just trying keep up! 😜

You have cap placements too? I know you don’t really look up your placements or didn’t want to say. Did you ever actually look? You have to have some Scorpio because you’re so secretive.

As far as Sag female and Aqua male, I wouldn’t know cause I’m slow moving and haven’t met another one in my city. I’m still hopeful though 😩

The best I can’t do is flirt with an Aqua online that is nice and doesn’t swat me away anymore! 😜
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It's cool lol you reply when you can. You know I have no stamina during a conversation on Dxp, so what can I say.

Lol @ you defending your bff. He is so in denial. Smh

Cap Venus, only Scorp rising. People always ask if I have Scorp placements because I'm very private and untrusting. I've gotten much better with both though. What makes you say I'm secretive? 😒

I'm hopeful for you too. I think you'd be gd with an Aqua man. Do you have any Aquarius female friends?

No worries. You're getting practice with seleukos. 😉 Sparring with him will have you ready for your next Aqua, when he comes along. You seem to be growing on him, you may wind up with him, living in Germany. 😜

Change History

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by STILL

Posted by saggurl88


Sag aren’t malicious signs, just like Aquas.

Their situation is such an easy fix and it could be a really great relationship and friendship.

Sag aren’t quick to be bored with Aquas, we just like spending time with the person, no matter where. And we will plan vacations and drag you with us on adventures.

You Aquas are sometimes quick to try and settle with fast moving chasers (Pisces and Gemini) and then they get bored of your ways. The same quickness it took to get you, is the same way they leave once things get steady or stale.

I really am optimistic that if they can get over this hump things can work.
Lol I think Sag female and Aqua male could have a long term meaningful relationship. Not so for the other way around.

Once Aqua women mature, we don't have time for Sag men. From what I've read on your bff Sag's posts on here, it seems like a no go.

He seems to care for her alot, but will not allow himself to love her, because he's scared of her. He even said he feels sorry for all the girls her treated the way she treats him. Smh

As far as Pisces and Gem, once again all of the Aqua chicks that post those stories on Dxp have water drowning them. I don't have the same experiences. Trust me. I have traumatized 2 Gems before I realized that I just don't like them. Now I just shoot them down at initiatal contact. Years have passed and those 2 Gems are still trying to get me back. They are gd to me, but so much about makes my skin crawl. Pisces, I attract them, but im usually not interested.

I just saw this. Sorry for the late reply.

As for my Sag Bff. That Aqua is running wild and he’s just trying keep up! ?

You have cap placements too? I know you don’t really look up your placements or didn’t want to say. Did you ever actually look? You have to have some Scorpio because you’re so secretive.

As far as Sag female and Aqua male, I wouldn’t know cause I’m slow moving and haven’t met another one in my city. I’m still hopeful though ?

The best I can’t do is flirt with an Aqua online that is nice and doesn’t swat me away anymore! ?
click to expand
It's cool lol you reply when you can. You know I have no stamina during a conversation on Dxp, so what can I say.

Lol @ you defending your bff. He is so in denial. Smh

Cap Venus, only Scorp rising. People always ask if I have Scorp placements because I'm very private and untrusting. I've gotten much better with both though. What makes you say I'm secretive? ?

I'm hopeful for you too. I think you'd be gd with an Aqua man. Do you have any Aquarius female friends?

No worries. You're getting practice with seleukos. ? Sparring with him will have you ready for your next Aqua, when he comes along. You seem to be growing on him, you my wind up with him, living in Germany. ?