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Nov 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2687 · Topics: 74
"Wanna get married and have kids?"
Have kids yes,but getting married?pass.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Actually, once you hit my age .... there's all kinds of revenge available ..
1. While babysitting .. fill the kids to the brim of chocolate, soda pop just before they are picked up at night to take home and put to bed.
2. Coached them about how to pull chairs up to the counters to open drawers and cabinets.
3. Encourage them to jump on beds and furniture
4. Tell them that no really means yes, and yes really means no
5. Show them how to have food fights, and how cool food looks once thrown against the wall
To name a few .....
Oh yes .. my Scorpio son will indeed pay for what he did as a teenager.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
lol, and just think .. someday, you and him (if it gets serious) might be able to breed some more .. yay !!!!!!
In reality ..... the orginial gene of origin, which was dominant .. carries a DNA sequence (if not mutated) should give us all the characteristics of ..
Brown skin
Brown hair
Brown eyes
So, if you have any other color than those ... you're a mutant .. yay!
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
He is watching out you! Leo's will watch to see what type of person you are in outings to see if they want to invest any time, energy of effort with you. If you are a flirt, flirt. We don't mind you flirting because esp in the beginning, we will flirt too. LOL! He wants you to be a bit challenging. We love challenges as long as you don't decieve us and you are not revengeful or vindictive we will give you a chance. Leo's will watch closey before we move in.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
He is watching out you! I meant watching you out! Most disappering acts come from you irriating us, taking us for granted or we have something important to accomplish and don't want you to take it personal from the disappering. MOST of disappearing acts involve some unappreciation on the other person's part and if you don't appreciate us or take us for granted we will leave.
Hey, Im a Cancer/Leo Cusp, and because of the Time I was born on July 22, 1992 I missed being an actual cancer by 55 minutes. I think thats as close as it comes to being a true cusp. Ive always been told I was a cancer, but I couldnt understand why I would always have somewhat of two personalities. ( not meant to sound like a personality disorder)
Do you feel you are even tempered?
Im fairly even tempered, I dont get mad unless its something I truly know is right. I dont like being pushed around and will get angry if someone tries to.
Do you feel in control most of the time of your emotions, but occassionally have a quick burst of anger and you dont know where it came from?
Yeah, I get those every once in a while, but Ive come to recognize them and apologize before I lash out and then again afterwards. There isnt a way to get around it, I just need to let it out.
Do you desire a passionate and loving, secure union?
Sure, On the outside Im not percieved as a cuddler or as a caring person. But by nature I love being at home with family and with young children; and I love spending one on one time with my current fling.
Do you have a high sex drive?
Do you really think children and large families are important?
Yes. Absolutely. I'm young, but ever since I was little Ive wanted a large number of children. Now more realistically Ive decided when people ask me how many kids I want to say "as many as I can afford"
When you go to parties or group discusssions do you find a way to dominate the conversation or feel happy listening?
It truly depends on my mood. if Im in a social mood I take control and love up talking. but if Im feeling quiet, Ill be just that. Ill sit back and just listen and take everyone in.
Do you desire a fulfilling life and hate boredom?
I hate boredom. I love traveling and being out and about. but at the same time, I want nothing more then to stay home and chill with my family.
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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
Sometimes questions annoy the bejeebers out of me. And depending on my mood, I may just give you an 'I don't know' answer...if I think that someone is prying or if I get to a point that I feel I am having to justify myself'.
I guess there is a fine line as well, because if it's someone I really truly care about and want to get to know, I won't refrain from giving the answer that they are seeking.
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Feb 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 582 · Topics: 34
Why would he be watching out for me. We broke up. I'm not looking to get back with him. Our views about our futures are different. He wants to stay in the same place for the rest of his life and I want to travel and possibly move to a warmer climate. We discussed that these issues are not going to change and that is a big part of why we aren't taking our relationship farther because we don't want to keep going on with it even though we like each other alot because a year from now the views probably won't change. I know my won't. I want to experience life and places and he doesn't. I am a natural flirt and I do get hit on alot but it is just friendly flirting. When I was with him I toned it down alot because I never wanted him to feel uncomfortable. I have alot of male friends and I am an affectionet person. I hug my friends all the time whether male or female and that's just how I am. We did date for a couple of months and I enjoyed it very much. I probably could of fell in love with him but, I need someone that is going to go somewhat on the same path with me. So why after a month of us not really talking and him not really coming around much, why would he come out now? Could it be that he felt comfortable around my friends and misses it or is it that he is just trying to drive me insane. I don't want to know what or who he is doing. It's just easier that way for me. I'm not looking to date anyone right now because I'm still not over him but, I don't need him in my face either.