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PA, how come you're hiding your posts? Sad

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"...he told me he's been wanting me for so long..."
muse, if you want him--exclusively--keep him rock hard pursuing you by NOT giving into him (having sex). he told you he's been wanting you for so long? ok, now you know. use it for your advantage. make him work for you. don't get off focus b/c of his "flirting". so what, he's flirting. he doesn't want that hefa, he wants you. you know that now. keep him interested by being your sexy, confident self, and unavailable to him sexually. blow off his flirtations. dang, he had to "trip" to make you jealous? good. you have the power. use it to your advantage. if you want him.
Well...I have the honored experience of being with a Leo/Virgo. He was born Aug. 22nd..78 I have no idea about the years so if anyone can shed light on that that would be great. I am a Taurus...oh yess I am. lol. I know this is supposed to be doomed..no? I due have to say that he is pretty much a little of both signs. It works though, we have a great passion, understanding and respect for one another. Though I do pet his mane when needed because...that's just him. At times when I am feeling neglected as us "BULLS" do he does something wonderful and loving and simple but means more than getting something expensive. I am wondering are there any tips, things to watch for, and how to make this last forever. Anything you could tell me would be wonderful I'm interested and don't really know a lot about any of it.
A few things about him, he knows 5 languages, he loves language, has a phenominal voice and composes music and writes songs. Loves to CREATE, very very very loyal, hates betrayals as he says (cheating) believes in God but doesn't have a set way of "how" to believe. He being Italian was raised Catholic, let's just say it's not his thing. He likes being with CLOSE friends he knows very well otherwise he wants to stay in and spend all his time together, trust with him is earned, very earned (I'mnot sure if that is a trait or because of cheating ex-girlfriends) He says he doesn't believe in marriage and most of his reasoning is he thinks that two people can love one another and be together without being married. He sees marriages end in doom and is his reasoning on this thinking something would last if you take the marriage out of the equation. In my personal opinion its because he has been tremendously hurt in the past and he seems to lean toward the contrary of his statement about marriage...etc etc
I want to marry this man and spend the rest of my life with him...However...it works for us...Hope to hear some good things...smile Thanks!
"I'm am not 19 years old and in an emotional whirlwind because I can't stop wondering why in the world he doesn't like me like I like him."
I don't buy that, actually. I think a huge part of your problem is that you are trying to mask your insecurities about your worth to this man. No need to do that, it's natural to care as much as it's natural to want to mask insecurity, and no, I don't believe that you are dealing well with the fact that your feelings are unrequited. So, as much as you feel my statement was "bullshit", I believe you're full of your share as well.
My post came across as as harsh perhaps, and yours to me came across as phony (reason? See above) and extremely cold as well as self-centered. I don't think you're being compassionate to anyone's feelings in this situation but your own, as much as you try to spin it to seem as though you "just want to know what makes him tick" etc.
I think that you've been too easy a catch, and you've developed feelings, and now you wonder why things have become weird and he's acting different etc...As P Angel said, you changed the game, and he has changed his. You played with him, he knows it, no one likes that. Would you? I think it's a shame that you are so worried about your biological clock that you will put any man through any thing without any concern about the effects your actions might be having on these other people.
I think that your lesson here is to learn that it's not all about you...and as far as your "moral fingerpointing" statement: obviously I must have struck a nerve with you. That means something, pay attention to that. Deep down, you know very well that you have been manipulative in this situation. It is deplorable to manipulate people.
And if that's judgemental, I stand by it, because it's true.
I have not had any problems, yay. smile
But all you b*tches best back off my husband. Mkay, thanks Winking
By the way...(he oftens reads what I've written) Baby in about 10 hours, you'll defend your dissertation and they will give you that doctorite and you can finally come home. My thoughts are with you and I know you will be brilliant!! Knock em dead sweety!! Know that even though right now we are far apart I am with you in your heart and I'm thinking of you. Now stop being nosey and study that THESIS or I'll kick your sexy little Sardinian tail!!
Mi fai battere il cuore...sei la luce del mio giorno e le stelle della mia notte...sei il mio ultimo pensiero alla sera ed il mio primo pensiero della mattina...sei l'aria in miei polmoni...ti voglio sempre e per sempre al mio fianco...prendi la mia mano attraverso hostro vita viaggio....E SERA BELLISSIMO!! Sogni d'oro! Baciniiiii! e t'amo e t'amo
(He's currently in Italy finishing his doctorite in linguistic mediation)
Arrogance irritates me as well; why are some people so incapable of learning the fine art of showing self-confidence without annoying the hell out of other people with their bragging about things that usually aren't even true? Why is it that it always seems the people with the *least* to brag about, brag the most? Are they just too lazy to be gracefully, quietly confident? I'd say it's a youth thing, but I was never, ever like that...I think it's really just an issue of laziness, really poor etiquette, and they have yet to be slammed by someone who calls them out on it.
I've gotten to the point in my life where I no longer get angry about it, I just completely dismiss those people as if they don't exist. I would definitely say that the more someone brags about themselves, the less I care about them.
I understand where you're coming from Roxi.
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well Roxi
as you said...you had a bad day and you are wearing a cookiemonster shirt....
So I guess Ill just let it go, and wont take it personally. I had bad days before.....
I actually, being young as I am (kinda of admired you for your comments; before...NOT BEING SARCASTIC..I guess I cant say the same about this one...) But being a good scorpio (may young as you told) will leave the path of vingance as you did!!!I wont retribute to you, cuz I know I am not being ignorant to you or anyother scorpio around here...and I also know (my 6th sense says that: that you are mad w me because what F.E.A.R said to you I might be wrong...but I totally thing his message on the last post which he did...was pretty rude and I disagree w him about his opinion over you.

So being this GREAT CREATURE AS I AM....
Ill forgive you....Winking
And I hope we both grow from this unecessary situation.....
::::::I just got out from Billy Joel's Concert....HAVIN AN AMAZING DAY:::::

btw tollbooth...thanks for the comment
I just just fixin something....it is the same msg