Posted by Onimusha01What do I want? A man who can give me, is willing to give me any WANTS TO give me, ALL OF HIM ♥️Posted by Onimusha01
hahaha funny... I keep telling you kinda the same thing.... Im defending my fellow aqua to my teeth. lol...
Listen, Im having issues understanding you..... when he wants you you reject him and tell him your body is off the equation with you.... but then you complain that he is not physically or emotionally affectionate,... Girl, this guy is as confuse as I am right now!
Apparently its true, Sag dont know what they want. omg lol girl just decide..... you want, you dont want... what do you want? ahahahahclick to expand
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Posted by Black-MambaYeah this feels a bit like a trap to me as well.
why the fuk do women trap men in this way and than pretend to be innocent
Posted by JustBrowsingUnicorns don't exist.Posted by LadyNeptuneI love my job as well. What we need to do then is to get a politico who is well-rounded and will listen to experts on all sides before decision is made.Posted by JustBrowsingI like my job. And not my point.Posted by LadyNeptuneThen what you waiting for? Go run for public office!Posted by JustBrowsingYour assumption there is wrong.Posted by LadyNeptuneYou've lived in the big city probably all your life. I've lived in small towns all my life. While you are correct for a large metropolitan area that needs to have those kinds of standards in place to keep it from turning into a cesspool, the places I'm talking about which is the majority of the landmass of the u.s. still does things by pencil and paper.Posted by JustBrowsingDisagree.Posted by LadyNeptuneI'm not confused, I'm just being realistic. Some buildings cannot be rehabilitated. Our landfills are already getting full with bullshit that could easily be recycled. Upgrading or rebuilding would put a lot more trash where we really can't fit it especially in large cities.Posted by DiannaYou guys seem confused.Posted by JustBrowsingPosted by AntiochusThere's no way you could tear down all the old buildings in any country and have enough money left over to do basic governmental duties. If you want anything close to what she is advocating oh, you would have to build dome housing akin to dog houses.
Doesn't sound to bad but as always with such things it depends on the fine prints and details about the how do we get there.
An upgrade for existing building to be more energy efficent for an example can be a good idea to achieve multiple things at once but if you fuck up the details it can also financially hurt a lot of people and potentially backfire.
Even if we could afford it, why would we want to? America is a new country as it is. Why tear down the little bit of architectural history that we have?
Upgrading existing buildings does not mean tearing them down.
Just the waste and rubble, dust and pollutants in the air from demo would offset any green credits a smart building built in its place provides.
The majority of our country doesn't think it's a big problem right now and they certainly aren't ready to change their comfort level as it is. But it will occur whether we like it or not.
I'm doing my part as best I can and encouraging others around me to do the same. We need more.
I do this for a living. Making your structure more energy efficient INCREASES comfort levels.
Upgrading and rebuilding is currently happening at a rapid rate in this country. And at state level much of what she’s proposing is already happening.
If you want an addition, and structural work, Adu, remodel, you ALREADY are required to get city permits and fulfill their requirements for the structure.
Why not require more energy efficient insulation installed for pennies more over standard insulation?
Again many states have already implemented this. Having a federal standard I see as a good thing personally.
Will also create many more new jobs.
It's going to be a little while.
Only difference between rural areas and urban areas is zoning. Zoning effects things like setbacks, build able area, kind of structures you can build etc.
The requirements are different between urban and rural areas, but requirements none the less. Any structure you are putting on your property for human occupation requires permits. Anyone can throw a structure up. But if its not permitted it doesn't exist in the eyes of the city or appraiser.
Just because I am located in a dense metropolitan area doesn't mean I don't design for rural areas. California is a big place and majority of the land here is rural areas, like the rest of the us. We are working on a 3 acre property in a little area outside of Ojai called wheeler springs. Rural af.
Whether you submit your plans on paper with pencil or printed doesn't change the fact you are regulated by the city and state as to how you can develop your property.
Point is this system is ALREADY in place. Making it work to be more energy efficient is not the huge leap you are making it out to be.
My fingers are crossed. 🤞click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by EndlessAgain you missed a crucial point. Its not just new buildings. In California its additions over 500sf, adu (accessory buildings) and remodels over 2500sf.Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by EndlessSo again, any new structure or remodel over 2500 sf here in California requires certain water, energy, and material standards to be met.Posted by LadyNeptune
Upgrading existing buildings to be more green is fairly easy actually.
We already have this in place with requirements for adu structures and remodels over 2500sf in Cali.
but there's about 127 million households and over 7.3 million commercial buildings, it would be quite taxing to do that part, and is debatable how much success that could actually have.
"But yeah I find it ironic really people are worried about logistics. No one bats an eye when trump promises Mexico will build AND pay for the wall. But I suppose that’s been the common theme. We hold everyone else to a higher standard EXCEPT our president"
yeah but trump is a moron, someone need to have brain in the gov, otherwise things will go down hill, and he was elected under that premise already, so imagine that, but of every single politician will start doing the same, smh
his stupid wall is at least feasible, it wont do what he say it will do, but there is proof that a gigantic wall can be build, but no one want to pay for something that stupid, and saying it will be mexico lmao
There are ways to apply that same system to the rest of the country. Tearing down and rebuilding is a different animal from retrofitting.
Even just requiring more energy efficient insulation would cut energy cost in existing buildings by 20+% .
Again, requiring for new code on remodels/new structures. No one is going to force home owners to modify their existing structures. This is more about having standards in place for improvements people choose to make.
And I’m sorry but this is every politician. Promises you a wall someone else pays for. What you get: a partial fence you paid for.
I find it ironic because the same trump supporters who put him in Office want to cry about realism now just cause she represents the other side.
Even if the goal is 100% renewable energy and we only get to 20% , that’s 20% more than where we’ve started.
And focusing budget to develop these technologies means we could achieve much more as the tech improves.
Yeah the bill is naive and overly optimistic. But it’s just like baby boomers to create the problems and then take a shit on millennials trying to solve those problems we’ve inherited.
having standards on water, energy, and material used in new buildings IS a good legislation, the bill proposed is not.
remodeling all those millions of house is a different beast, that is feasible yes, but probably not in 10y, heck we might find shortage of materials if we try something like that, I'm sure I read "upgrade buildings" but the old version of the bill, I think did say rebuild, that's a stupid mistake, the california legislation could work, but she didn't propose that >.> you already suggested something better at her level....
"And I’m sorry but this is every politician.... want to cry about realism now just cause she represents the other side...."
the fact that both are shit doesn't make me happy to be getting shit, crying for legislation cuz is the other side, is stupid, but so would it to be complacent cuz is my side, I want better, but I suppose im also naïve and overly optimistic sometimes.
and she seems to be smart, Idk why she is going into a field she doesnt have enough knowledge, she's an economist, why not use her experience as a minority women to come with a legislation that could help people in that position, that's what I though she would do, not going with big green dreams
"Even if the goal is 100% renewable energy and we only get to 20% , that’s 20% more than where we’ve started"
"But it’s just like baby boomers to create the problems and then take a shit on millennials trying to solve those problems we’ve inherited"
that it!!! the last part, we can't just accept bad legislation, cuz that was what baby boomers had, we know it can go wrong, so things have to be carefull planned now, no more lazy bills that could make more problem, what about shortage of materials used to produce semiconductors in wind turbines, solar panels release toxic materials in the manufacturing process, we could try to reach that 20% and mess something up if we don't plan things carefully
ofc that's only important when we talk about so many millions buildings.
As for the last bit. So what do you propose? We do to expand
Posted by JustBrowsingthis is small game
Tarot card readings for $ 20.00 USD?
Posted by hydorahThat's great you feel that way about "lookism", but you don't have to act like a know-it-all on my shit AHAAAA...
I'll try not to waste too many braincells on this "lookism" discussion, but in the natural kingdom, what differentiates predator eyes from prey eyes is that the predators tend to have the eyes looking straight ahead and the eyes line parallel to the front of the face, they lock their target during pursuit by looking straight ahead, whereas preys tend to have eyes on the side of the face because they need good peripheral vision to scan the area for dangers all the time but they have poor frontal vision.
Contrary to the op theory, predators tend to have big round eyes while preys tend to have slit eyes for better horizontal scanning to the left and right![]()
the "lookism" theories are generally just walt-disney science![]()
the guy on the bottom right is totally a predator
Posted by maidenHahaha that could be truePosted by AquaNextDoormaybe you're good at looking like you're good at stuff
Mars trine asc wirhin 2 orbs
Moon trine mc within 2 orbs
Hmmm I fully invest myself in my goals wether it was at work or what I want to accomplish for myself and my family
Not sure about mars trine asc though
click to expand
Posted by DeadInsideK.
i dont feel concerned
Posted by ACsquareplutoYeah his droopy ass eyes caused a lot of people to think it's "sweet".. But shooting up a bunch of 1st graders was pussy as fuck. He would have had respect if he joined infantry and killed the most men.
I'm guessing Adam Lanza's eyes were relaxed in private, I think he looked that way in photos due to being startled by the environment (sensory processing disorder)
I like Charlie Day's prey eyes lol
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