Slept with my Aqua friend of 4 years now we are tip toeing around each other

Posted by ladylibra21

Posted by Jade_Alexander

I think you need to stop having sex with soneone you’re not secure enough to talk openly with.

I have no idea what thise lyrics mean. He is probably trying to figure you out.

Decide what you want and talk to him. You can be brave.

Definitely you’re right he lives two hours away so I’ll have time to sort out my thoughts out without physical contact and it’s not that I don’t feel comfortable talking to him it’s just actually getting what I want to say to come out of my mouth. I have trouble voicing Any kind of commitment conversation. I dance around words I hate it. It is like a physical barrier stopping me. We’ve tried to have this conversation three times with him bringing it up but either I have froze or something has come up and we’re not alone or we don’t have time to talk about it . This is also an awkward week to talk about it because today’s his birthday and it’s two days until Valentine’s Day so I think we’re both right avoiding the conversation this week . But all of this rejection could just be in my head but I’m not sure what to think
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I get it.

I think text is okay, sometimes we need amoment to gather our thoughts..