It's Women's History Month

Posted by Antiochus

Around 101-100 BC:

Accoring to the writings of Valerius Maximus and Florus, the king of the Teutones, Teutobod, was taken in irons after the Teutones were defeated by the Romans. Under the conditions of the surrender, three hundred married women were to be handed over to the victorious Romans as concubines and slaves. When the matrons of the Teutones heard of this stipulation, they begged the consul that they might instead be allowed to minister in the temples of Ceres and Venus. When their request was denied, the Teutonic women slew their own children. The next morning, all the women were found dead in each other's arms, having strangled each other during the night. Their joint martyrdom passed into Roman legends of Teutonic fury.

There were also other, less reliable, report of similiar actions done by the women of the baggage train when they realized/thought that the men were about to lose the battle.
I couldn't imagine mercy killing my children but knowing what depths of hell would be before them...