President Trump vs. the Circus Clowns in 2020

Posted by LittleStar

Posted by Effortless

Posted by LittleStar

Posted by Effortless

Posted by LittleStar

Right now:

1) Bernie Sanders (who I voted for last time - I live in a blue area so I knew Hilary would win. I would have voted for her over Trump if I was in a Red area)

2) Elizabeth Warren (agrees with a lot of values I have but I’m not a personal fan)

3) Julian Castro (need to see more history)
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That’s why I’m voting for progressives, not “Democrats”. They have to run as Democrats because our stupid two party system.
What is the difference between a Regressive and a democrat party wacko?
Once you step off the Fox News garbage propaganda, I’ll talk to you.

But since you are a brainwashed amoeba, I’ll let you figure out the difference yourself.
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I missed the part where your opinion has any value around here.

Who gives a shit what you regressives think?

Your way of doing things is totally backwards and antithetical to success and prosperity.