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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 546 · Topics: 145
hopefully this fixes the problem for good. and for everyone else you had similar login problems.
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Oct 08, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2906 · Topics: 93
Roxi: "...i am always prepared to review such opinions and am still waiting to be proved wrong..."
Dear, I keep tellin' ya - I'm spoken for! It'll have to remain one of Life's Little Mysteries for you...
Maybe your crap experiences with Virgs were just a simple lack of chemistry. Several guys thought that the AQUA chick I slept with was HOT, but I thought she was boring as hell in bed (and way too skinny!). We just didn't click. She was fun to toss ideas around with, but not a good bed buddy for me. My Scorp is just the opposite. 'nuff said.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
This is the main mis-conception that Rams get accused of probably every day of their lives ........ Arians 'believe' what others tell them who are wiser, have more life-experience in matters, are older .. yet, they will go out and do what they've warned against, or act on something anyway eventhough they know the consequences, which makes them look recklessly selfish in the eyes of people who don't understand that Rams relish each moment that passes and has to learn life-lessons for themselves. The consequences that ensued for another person is just that .. another person. They cannot live or alter thier lives through vicarious mistakes/rewards of another person. They HAVE to experience life for themselves in order to gain their own perspective ..... for the person outside looking in, the Ram appears to be very self-centered because of it .. when in reality, it's not selfishness at all .... it's living for their own mistakes/rewards.
It amazes me, Kry, that someone who claims to be an expert in astrology doesn't even know the basics of each sign ... the questions you've asked on all the boards regarding characteristics is Astrology 101
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
It would depend on the circumstances ... for instance, if it's a co-worker, then it would be impossible to avoid him/her .. if it's a person to whom is outside of a place where you don't have to see him/her on a regular basis, then avoiding them is easier.
Either way .. you might try explaining to the person that you are going through some very personal issues right now, in which you need space/alone time away from him/her .. that you don't mean to be rude in any way .. just that you need some personal space.
If this person cannot understand that, and thinks it's rude ... then this should only validate in your mind that this avoidance was the right direction for you.
Hmmm I am a Aquarius Female, I left my Cancer Boyfriend for the second time awhile back, I didn't tell him anything, I just left, I've been thinking about returning to him, but then again he'll probably be alright without me, but no I usually don't return if I walk away from something unless I think its worth it to retry and I left because the relationship became to complicated. I really love this guy though so that maybe the reason why I keep returning and he keeps accepting me back, who knows, I feel this weird vibe, its like he's my other half, never felt it before so I did this relationship compatibility thing and it said: Absence actually does make your hearts grow fonder.
Your attraction is dreamy and very romantic; when you are forced to be apart you long for one another and feel your yearnings with an almost physical ache. This aspect signifies that you just plainly love each other. The attraction is so strong between you that even though you may be incompatible by other standards, you still feel like being with your partner because of that love you feel for them. It's not that they won't occasionally drive you nuts - they will. It's just that the bottom line is that there is real love between you and there is no stronger emotion in the universe. When you're together you tend to become silly, dreamy or otherwise disconnected from the practical, mundane world.
I also have a Aquarius Older Brother and I know when he thinks his girlfriend is being unfaithful he gets mad and leave. His Ex-Virgo girlfriend actually did cheat on him and he walked away and never returned and now she wants him back, but now he has a Scorpio girlfriend they act so much alike, its like they are twins lol.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
does leo and pices make a good match ?
There is an 's' inbetween the 'i' and 'c' .... Pi*s*ces
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"we have been going together for a long time and he's great. we don't have many problems........ and when we do we just laugh it off cause i win everytime anyways!"
That's an odd thing to say, Ciara .. question: Would you think him just as great if you didn't win?
There doesn't seem to be a mention of his greatest in terms of admirable qualities to make him "great" .. the mention is because you win. So, I'm curious as to why, exactly, this man is great.
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Nov 19, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 187 · Topics: 27
I was wondering if any aquas on here would like to share what they believe are great dates! I am seeing an aqua guy and I am trying to think of something different or fun to do the next time we hang out...our usual dates have involved drinking at a bar...which I like as well, but i just thought it would be cool to suggest something different...I know he loves to try new restaurants...but I am trying to get away from something that seems too "datey" but more fun...
ANy suggestions?
Hi foxes,
I've had similar experiences. I won't go in to detail out of respect for the other party's privacy but it was similar in that we both confirmed the experience. Interestingly enough, it was with a cancer.
I guess you were truly on the same wavelength. Sometimes you just click with people on all levels including the spiritual or psychic level. It doesn't happen often but it is cool when it does.