Posted by MyStarsShineOne of my patience with 40 y/old drug addict son said oncePosted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxXYou got it in one miss👍
I don't think unconditional love really exists when it comes to romantic relationships.
The most unconditional love I've witnessed is the love between a mother and her to expand
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Posted by PurtyWingzFly2Then keep repeating that your daughter is what matters and he's no need to involve himself in your llfe outside parenting or you in his. Say it calmly and maturely
He’s mad I only talk to him bout my daughter. I don’t care wtf he got going on. He’s not going to mention anything bout a new gf he thinks i still want him.
Posted by RooSagicornPosted by LentoBull91Haha where’s that? I grew up in Huntington 😝
The real surf city USA. Huntington Beach can kiss our to expand
Posted by AjuPosted by AerialViewI realize this too. What time do you start to lay down?
Wake up at 4am 💪click to expand
Posted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxXI never designated myself to be anyone's spokesperson.Posted by enfant_terriblePosted by xXxBitcheroniiiXxX
I bet the women who actually went through this are so proud that you're all about spreading their message.
As I am sure they are proud your personal opinions of me are more important than the word getting out, regardless who puts it out there.
Your revival of this thread wasn't about 'spreading their messege' but yours. It was about butting egos with me. And on that note, see first paragraph.
Don't be callin people things that apply to you for simply asking questions and I wouldn't have had to remind you of what you are. 🤷🏽♀️
I already admitted my reasons for bumping this thread. Yes, it was about you. See reasoning above.
At the end of the day though, you designated yourself their spokesperson, not me.
So you had a personal responsibility to keep it together and focus on getting the message out in order to help them.
Instead your true intentions came out and you got caught up in winning this invisible pissing to expand
Posted by nikkistarNo one is trying to change you opinion. I don’t have time for that shit nor did I check how old this post was. It just popped up on the feed. And my only purpose is to shed a little light of reality that what you perceive the world to be is all relative. And you can “stand by what you said” all you want. But I’m simply stating a fact EVERYTHING 👏 IS 👏 RELATIVE 👏! And that’s a fact so go ahead and argue facts all you want. Just makes you look hot headed and like you’d rather be right and look dumb than accept you might be wrong. And das cool. There are a million and more out there who are just like you. And that I don’t owe any of ya’ll the emotional labor of educating. But for the sake of this thread, consider your self one in a million who got my perspective emotional labor for free in light of giving you a new perspective. You can see someone’s perspective and still sustain your own opinion. But you chose to be stubborn and it is what it is. But you don’t need to admit “you are wrong”, for your lack of giving me any type of relevant response and disengaging suddenly with me when you have obviously engaged with everyone else, well that’s telling that you don’t have any rebuttal. But word have a good day, you can sustain your view point all you want, and I’ll sustain thinking you are an egotistical hater. Perspective baby 🤷🏻♀️Posted by WaterDevilSee previous post from me.Posted by nikkistarPosted by edgelordAnd I answered this, in the post above.Posted by nikkistari'm not saying anything about your past. or my past for that matter. it was a general question. and one that could go for enfant or anyone else in the thread.Posted by edgelordDon't even go there with me. YOU, don't know my past.
@nikkistar who are you to tell a woman that how she was violated wasn't "violated enough" to speak out against it?
i have my own history with things. but we don't need to get into that.
who are we to make the assumption that someone elses feelings are not valid or are attention whoring. or anything really.
i asked you specifically because i respect your opinions and figured you might have something to say that i haven't thought of yet. a reason or something. does that make sense?
Unfortunately, I can't agree with you on this context. There are women, and I have even seen it within the context of this thread, that exaggerated a particular situation. I am not saying she didn't experience some sort of harassment. Let's be real, almost every women has experienced some form of catcalling, and other things that made them uncomfortable. Open a dialogue about it, fine. I have no qualms about that.
However, what is the point of exaggerating the number of men that tried to rape you at a given time? Why waste the energy to over exaggerate parts of a story? The only purpose to that is to make the story more impact-ful, to garner more sympathy.
THAT takes away energy that can be spent making an actual difference, and helping women/men move past traumatic events. When there are so many over exaggerated stories, it takes away from the validity of the stories to many people.Posted by LadyNeptuneOk on what you call the “double edge sword”. Let me give you an example. What if, a black person grew up their entire life in a nice neighborhood, charmed, without never being called an N Word. But posting #blacklivesmatter and speaking out about that person’s own effect regarding racism. Is said person lying about being affected. And even if they were (which I doubt in any situation) but say that person was lying. Would that mean they arnt affected in some way? That they don’t earn the right to speak up? That their voice doesn’t matter? Pain is RELATIVE! People are shocked for example when I tell them I was born in the Middle East and literally affected daily regarding fear of bombs dropping and noticing loved ones and loved ones of loved ones being pronounced as dead practically weekly. But I never invalidate someone that may arguably have had a “charmed life” in comparison. Pain is pain. And some people feel comforted by being the center of attention. Especially when they have been invalidated their entire life regarding their pain. And shut down. I’m sure the internet in someway and the attention helps validate them. And if so, if they feel better. Who the fuck are we to judge on the matter???? Sit down. Be humble.Posted by SoulJUDGYPosted by AliensusedourbogrollBut what about the ones that are lying? Unless you truly feel 100% of them are all telling the truth, then I can clearly see your point of view on the situation. Which then I'd ask you if you believe 100% of people prison are guilty? So in terms of the situation in the OP and assuming you know some of the people indeed are lying, then what do we do? Pretend that some aren't lying and tend them along with the people who are telling the truth, or do we say they are all lying? This was my point to why solid evidence and speaking out quickly is much more effective then just saying words.Posted by SoulWell for starters we can stop invalidating these women’s experiences by accusing them of lying, exaggerating or saying their experiences aren’t real abuse or harassment. And we could also stop exaggerating the amount of times women lie about these things.Posted by AliensusedourbogrollSo what do you consider a progressives step forward on this situation?Posted by justagirlI know right! Some of the people bitching about it are all concern trolling about how it’s a slap in the face of ‘real’ victims because it takes away from their credibility. Don’t these idiots realise they’re the reason these people don’t talk about it.
And folks wonder why people don't speak up about it.
I'm not trying to put you in the situation of a double ended sword, but like most issues with human life that's exactly what it is.
I am not going to sit here and let people use a 2 year old thread to be right. I still stand by what I said in this to expand
Posted by WaterDevilAlready had a discussion with Boring on this thread. You can read that. All of this was address already. I don't like repeating posts.Posted by nikkistarNo one is trying to change you opinion. I don’t have time for that shit nor did I check how old this post was. It just popped up on the feed. And my only purpose is to shed a little light of reality that what you perceive the world to be is all relative. And you can “stand by what you said” all you want. But I’m simply stating a fact EVERYTHING 👏 IS 👏 RELATIVE 👏! And that’s a fact so go ahead and argue facts all you want. Just makes you look hot headed and like you’d rather be right and look dumb than accept you might be wrong. And das cool. There are a million and more out there who are just like you. And that I don’t owe any of ya’ll the emotional labor of educating. But for the sake of this thread, consider your self one in a million who got my perspective emotional labor for free in light of giving you a new perspective. You can see someone’s perspective and still sustain your own opinion. But you chose to be stubborn and it is what it is. But you don’t need to admit “you are wrong”, for your lack of giving me any type of relevant response and disengaging suddenly with me when you have obviously engaged with everyone else, well that’s telling that you don’t have any rebuttal. But word have a good day, you can sustain your view point all you want, and I’ll sustain thinking you are an egotistical hater. Perspective baby 🤷🏻♀️Posted by WaterDevilSee previous post from me.Posted by nikkistarPosted by edgelordAnd I answered this, in the post above.Posted by nikkistari'm not saying anything about your past. or my past for that matter. it was a general question. and one that could go for enfant or anyone else in the thread.Posted by edgelordDon't even go there with me. YOU, don't know my past.
@nikkistar who are you to tell a woman that how she was violated wasn't "violated enough" to speak out against it?
i have my own history with things. but we don't need to get into that.
who are we to make the assumption that someone elses feelings are not valid or are attention whoring. or anything really.
i asked you specifically because i respect your opinions and figured you might have something to say that i haven't thought of yet. a reason or something. does that make sense?
Unfortunately, I can't agree with you on this context. There are women, and I have even seen it within the context of this thread, that exaggerated a particular situation. I am not saying she didn't experience some sort of harassment. Let's be real, almost every women has experienced some form of catcalling, and other things that made them uncomfortable. Open a dialogue about it, fine. I have no qualms about that.
However, what is the point of exaggerating the number of men that tried to rape you at a given time? Why waste the energy to over exaggerate parts of a story? The only purpose to that is to make the story more impact-ful, to garner more sympathy.
THAT takes away energy that can be spent making an actual difference, and helping women/men move past traumatic events. When there are so many over exaggerated stories, it takes away from the validity of the stories to many people.Posted by LadyNeptuneOk on what you call the “double edge sword”. Let me give you an example. What if, a black person grew up their entire life in a nice neighborhood, charmed, without never being called an N Word. But posting #blacklivesmatter and speaking out about that person’s own effect regarding racism. Is said person lying about being affected. And even if they were (which I doubt in any situation) but say that person was lying. Would that mean they arnt affected in some way? That they don’t earn the right to speak up? That their voice doesn’t matter? Pain is RELATIVE! People are shocked for example when I tell them I was born in the Middle East and literally affected daily regarding fear of bombs dropping and noticing loved ones and loved ones of loved ones being pronounced as dead practically weekly. But I never invalidate someone that may arguably have had a “charmed life” in comparison. Pain is pain. And some people feel comforted by being the center of attention. Especially when they have been invalidated their entire life regarding their pain. And shut down. I’m sure the internet in someway and the attention helps validate them. And if so, if they feel better. Who the fuck are we to judge on the matter???? Sit down. Be humble.Posted by SoulJUDGYPosted by AliensusedourbogrollBut what about the ones that are lying? Unless you truly feel 100% of them are all telling the truth, then I can clearly see your point of view on the situation. Which then I'd ask you if you believe 100% of people prison are guilty? So in terms of the situation in the OP and assuming you know some of the people indeed are lying, then what do we do? Pretend that some aren't lying and tend them along with the people who are telling the truth, or do we say they are all lying? This was my point to why solid evidence and speaking out quickly is much more effective then just saying words.Posted by SoulWell for starters we can stop invalidating these women’s experiences by accusing them of lying, exaggerating or saying their experiences aren’t real abuse or harassment. And we could also stop exaggerating the amount of times women lie about these things.Posted by AliensusedourbogrollSo what do you consider a progressives step forward on this situation?Posted by justagirlI know right! Some of the people bitching about it are all concern trolling about how it’s a slap in the face of ‘real’ victims because it takes away from their credibility. Don’t these idiots realise they’re the reason these people don’t talk about it.
And folks wonder why people don't speak up about it.
I'm not trying to put you in the situation of a double ended sword, but like most issues with human life that's exactly what it is.
I am not going to sit here and let people use a 2 year old thread to be right. I still stand by what I said in this to expand
Posted by pisceswoman123You full of surprises 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Super cute 😄
Posted by AerialViewPosted by pisceswoman123You full of surprises 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Super cute 😄
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