What's the deal?

Well, I like to have ppl to talk when im bored, specially if they will listen to all my crap lol ... If I dont like you I can meet up with you one day that I really have absolutely nothing to do.

I've just reached out to one of my friends after 2 years ago, and we are phoning and texting.... and I told him to see when we can hang out, but Im really not in a rush to hang out w him. (mind you we already know each other)

So, maybe, dont give this person too much attention. If he havent make the effort to meet you, he is keeping you there as a option. Not worth it. When I like someone I want to meet them right away.

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Posted by DMV

Posted by Gemitatti

Posted by DMV

Posted by MyStarsShine

Sexy and sensual 💋
IF you can make it to the sex. It may take months...even years
With Aries??? 👀
Yep. The ones I had the pleasure of meeting...

click to expand
Was there chemistry of any sort?

I know when I’ve met mine he had bright eyes and bushy tail but when I took his hand he jerked it back and I was like...WTF!!! He was shy and nervous. But I didn’t let it develop into a waiting game so...I think it’s up to you...
Now till August 11

Stop talking about Mr. Snugglekins. He has feelings you know.
She's seeing if you actually have changed your ways or if it's all an act just to get her back. Have you made definite plans for a date or is it all talk? If not...do it already! We don't like fluff ...we like action especially if we are contemplating a second chance.

Also she needs to grow up and realize jobs are important and to get over her ego! Don't ever quit a decent job because someone is complaining about your work ethic...yeah life is not all about work and you have to balance things out as well...but it can't be all about her either.
Posted by LethalFantasia

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Posted by LethalFantasia

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Posted by gemNi


What he's really say'n is he wants you to be the new ma ma is that right ? 😂

Are you sure you're ready for all that?


Scorpio. Just saying.

I wonder what happened to the Scorpio

He must suspect something
No he didn’t. I told him in good bye my love letter. Last night. The end. I hope.

I see.

Did he respond? x
He never does. He calls but I don’t think he will after what I’ve said...

Some of you said it was harsh.

But I had to. I can’t afford to lose my Aries and I was close...the other day...WHAT was I thinking?!!

I clearly wasn’t. And I am feeling like shit because of it.

I really appreciate you all!

I think the fact that he isn't reaching out after the letter just proves that his ego is more important to him. He had this coming. If he wanted to commit to you, he would have years ago. I feel like he has strung you along. I wouldn't be surprised if he contacts you in like 2 weeks or something.
You think? I don’t. I would be dead surprised if he would. I’ve written shit he wouldn’t soon get over it!

But I don’t blame him for stringing me along because I am not 17! I let him.

He took it. It’s only last year he told me he will think of divorce. Before...never. So I did it to myself.

HOWEVER! If it wasn’t for him and him teaching me patience for years I wouldn’t be able to keep my Aries for more than a week I think. He is the MAN! All ever said about his sign. Cave man with strong will and power but also the kindest and funniest person I’ve ever met.

Amount of shit henis goinf tru with child custody is ennourmous and if I was my reg Gemini ass - I would be history before history had a chance to be written!

I almost fucked up recently. But I worked myself out of it. I know better now. He apparently fond of me because I was ready to be shut down. Again Scorpio boot camp helped! So I would never throw a stone into Scorpio. He is a huge part of my life. And my crazy adult love.

Let’s see if he will say a word...lol

That's so crazy. Sounds like everything needed to happen the way it did to learn what you know today and for you to be "ready" for when the Aries entered your life. I truly believe that if you think back to certain things in life, you'll see it's like a puzzle and things that you didn't understand at the time happened to lead you to where you were supposed to be.

I think you said the relationship with the Scorpio happened in like 2008 or 2009, right? That's a long time.
Yes. 2009. And you right. It happens the way it happened. It was fucking long time of my life but my child was too young for me to change shit anyway. So nownis a good time.

And I am divorcing because I see how uncomfortable Aries is feeling with me being married. I went with it because I want him to know I am serious. I sidetracked...almost...but I didn’t do anything stupid. Thanks God and you guys! ❤️

Ugh, Astrologically your experience makes sooooooo much sense

It starts at 19:23 if you're interested/have the time to watch it
It does? Tell me please.

Ok. I am USA EST. Am I on time?

Should I run synastry chart?

Just watch the video! What she says will REALLY resonate with you. She starts explaining at 19:23

I’ve listened but all I’ve got is that Pluto made me do this! Lmao

I understood her point except she could had said itnin 15 min instead of an over an hour. Don’t you think so?

Or am I missing something?

And yes -?it resonates a lot about past but what do I do now?

One more time want to ask you if I should run synastry chart? Thanks a lot

It’s the ending of a huge 10 year cycle. Things are wrapping up this year and the process has already begun. What no longer serves you goes and your transformation will be complete.

Basically, these just means that what is happening to you right now makes total sense

Scorpio could be gone for good. He was the catalyst for the transformation you needed to be in the right mindset for the Aries to come into your life, which is probably the kind of commitment and lahv you yearned for ten years ago

The new chapter could very well be with the Aries. If not, I wouldn’t be surprised to see this situation drastically end before wedding vows
click to expand
You know...I kind of hoped that this decade will end and new will begin. Before I’ve listened to the video.

So yes. I am living proof. Anyone else?

You just MAKING me want to run the chart and ask someone to read it. I am not sure if you do that. I’ll be so happy to ask you to look at it for me.

I’ll start new tread with question I have and hope you will be there. Thanks for everything.
Tagline for every user on here #cope smile
So far Jupiter in Sag direct hasn't been all that great (my Jupiter return) so maybe the retrograde will be better 🤷
I was just talking about my Aries who is Aries sun and moon and Pisces Venus and Mercury.

So I was told henis all about himself.

I disagreed.

So I was told them it’s probably Pisces placements...

So...when you gurus reading charts...do you KNOW or just guessing? Because this example is giving me something to be doubtful for. Like if I didn’t say he is totally about ME not him...he would be pronounced selfish SOB which is totally not what this man is.

So how do you people operate when reading charts?

And husrnif anyine can say anything here is the placements:

Sun 8° Aries 05'

Moon 5° Aries 20'

Mercury 14° Pisces 58'

Venus 16° Pisces 12'

Mars 0° Taurus 31'

Jupiter 26° Leo 44'

Saturn 14° Aries 28'

Uranus 26° Virgo 45'

Neptune 26° Scorpio 19'

Pluto 21° Virgo 34'

North Node 19° Aries 21'
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evolution is such an interesting topic