What's the deal?

Have you facetimed him?

Cause someone bailing on meeting face to face but being available to chat all the time reads as catfish to me.

Related Messages

Posted by Gemitatti

Posted by DMV

Posted by Gemitatti

Posted by DMV

Posted by MyStarsShine

Sexy and sensual 💋
IF you can make it to the sex. It may take months...even years
With Aries??? 👀
Yep. The ones I had the pleasure of meeting...

Was there chemistry of any sort?

I know when I’ve met mine he had bright eyes and bushy tail but when I took his hand he jerked it back and I was like...WTF!!! He was shy and nervous. But I didn’t let it develop into a waiting game so...I think it’s up to you...
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Who knows.

I got tired of reading minds
Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by DMV

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by DMV

Posted by MyStarsShine

Sexy and sensual 💋
IF you can make it to the sex. It may take months...even years
Or in one night for me (not my usual style at all, but couldn't resist) 😈

He has sun, merc, Venus in Aries, Mars in Taurus, moon in Scorp (Scorp and Pluto dom)

How could a Scorp dominant and Aries rising resist that?


This is surprising indeed
Why do you say that D?
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Move slower than molasses
I'm curious about venus in pisces.

They seem romantic.
Posted by LostinmyMind11

So far Jupiter in Sag direct hasn't been all that great (my Jupiter return) so maybe the retrograde will be better 🤷
Same here. Been lame af
Posted by DMV

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by DMV

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by DMV

Posted by MyStarsShine

Sexy and sensual 💋
IF you can make it to the sex. It may take months...even years
Or in one night for me (not my usual style at all, but couldn't resist) 😈

He has sun, merc, Venus in Aries, Mars in Taurus, moon in Scorp (Scorp and Pluto dom)

How could a Scorp dominant and Aries rising resist that?


This is surprising indeed
Why do you say that D?
Move slower than molasses
click to expand
Haha....which combo of placements specifically do you think do this?
Posted by Neshama

Just remember that retrogrades are just an optical illusion.

Something goes on behind the veil. All signs can expect the feeling of abundance luck and socializing. But also finding purpose and goals and much deeper truths.

You think you have gained wisdom now?? JUST YOU WAIT.

It affects Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio and Gemini most. But we an all gain from it.
Yippie!!! Thanks Doll...this is EXACTLY what I want to read! My tarot card reader asked me again, "Have you found him yet? Are you talking to someone?" "Nope not yet". He said I'd meet someone outside of my office. Just arrived from Active Shooter Training and there were tons of staff at the _____________ Auditorium. You should have seen a guy do a double take and was looking at me all the way until I sat down at my seat. Makes me feel "gitty"....fucking time, too!!!

User Submitted Image

Hug cyber hugs!


Posted by Neshama

Just remember that retrogrades are just an optical illusion.

Something goes on behind the veil. All signs can expect the feeling of abundance luck and socializing. But also finding purpose and goals and much deeper truths.

You think you have gained wisdom now?? JUST YOU WAIT.

It affects Pisces Sagittarius Scorpio and Gemini most. But we an all gain from it.
Muy interesante.

During this Jupiter in Sag transit, I've become more recluse than ever
Posted by Skeleton

Lol. At first glance, I thought this said "hide your fuck boy"
Idk. Earth moves slow in general. But cardinal and mutable earth move faster than fixed earth.

So if I go back to my filing cabinet of men, esp those with venus in taurus...

They were mostly cardinal and mutable (fire and air) in personal planets, with the fixed venus.

I could just be not as fly as I think I am.

But that would be crazy talk.