Aquarius Man Ignoring My Text and Disappear

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by WaterDevil

On the basis of my brother who is an Aqua, and a few other male aquas I’ve known. They are oblivious, and think about so many things and have so many platonic friendships that they arnt too too worried about texting you a lot ect. They just like to know you will be there when they come back, and some have so much going on their time lines of responses can get very frustrating. But they will feel more inclined to come back to you when they realize you are dependable and always there for them when they come back. In my experience they are very truthful and consistent. Someone on here told me advice about the female

Aqua I’m seeing, which has helped me deal with the spurts of disrance... and that advice is always “just go by the last encounter”. If it was positive and friendly than they will remember that experience as such. And if they arnt romantically interested, they may still want the friendship, they just take time to figure that out. They are very logical, and have a lot of emotions all the time, they just want to build that trust and foundation first. Which has inspired me personally to take romance in a more light and airy way. Not too complicated. Just requires a lot of patience. Especially the men. My old boss when he started dating the woman he is now engaged to, expressed to me “I like her so much, but I’m not gonna lead her to believe that quite yet”. They take timeeeee

This ☝️

And OP if he said that he wants to start with a friendship it really means just that. Relax and enjoy the friendship without expectation.

If it means to be it will be.

Just do your thing. Contact him whenever you feel like. Be there when he connect with you and have fun
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will do that. thank you...

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