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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***Be careful though with using food or harsh, scented stuff down there because that's just gonna cause a yeast infection.***
This may be true if you do this ALL the time, but on occasion, no harm.
Signed Up:
May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
oh boy, you must've hit the jack pot....guys dont read and their proud of it around here!
thank you cansir, i really appreciate you taking the time to read my message and tell me about your story. i understand now, i just wish he told me that directly to my face or even indirectly. i know now i need to move on and trust me i have tried several times but he always comes back driving me crazy with his texts and calls telling me that he needs me and that he cannot stay without me, he said that he will never leave me alone and that i should understand that he is the one for me!!!!why is he contradicting himself now??? when i confrunted him about having a proper relationship he said that i should be patient and that he is not ready now!!!(he makes affirmations like" my husband has to be great in bed and a very special person otherwise i would cheat on him"-he says that almost every time we see each other???)soemtimes he is such a lovely person and other times he is an ass!!!
i should trust my instinct which tells me that i am being used.....
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
what I'm saying is the two seem contradictory to me... if you walk away to give them space then won't that person feel like you gave up on them? That's how I would see it....
of course I on the other hand need to be close to the one I love when I'm stressed...not back away like cancers do....
intuition can be a great thing. if i were you i would sit him down and let him know how you feel but tell him in a calm cool way. otherwise i don't think he will listen cause he will think you are attacking him. let him know you are hurt and disappointed and that you thought you had something stronger. also, that you are tired of the games and looking for something more stable. just my suggestion but i am sure you know what is right for you but always remember one thing...actions speak louder than words..
angel, not if that is what he is asking you to do..
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Oh brahn... And yet you can't seem to stay away from us. If we are so bad... Stop stalking us... I am sure you get a rise out of us... Oh wait it has already been decided you don't have anything to rise... Damn boy there are strap ons... LOL!!!
Hi five to brahn for exemplifying his ignorance over and over again. Ya wanna be a scorp don't cha?
thelibran, defending the scorp? What has the world come to??? LOL!!!
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***don't scorpios usually make it very clear they are into you?***
Yes, when they are truly into you and want to be with you only.
However, like emgem said, he told you he didn't want a long-distant relationship. He never changed that. Always take what scorps say as truth when it comes to their intentions. That wasn't a game. He meant it. Look at his actions. BTW, after he has told you he doesn't feel as though he is doing anyhting wrong. Because he told you. Now if the sex is great why wouldn't he keep shagging you?
I agree that two consenting adults can be casual or serious. I have done both, but when casual (accept for with the scorp) i keep emotions at bay. Just get together for the great sex, hang out have a drink, go jogging, or other things you would do with friends, the only difference would be, this friend comes with benefits. Once emotions get involved. It is time to hit the bricks especially if you are clearly the only one with the emotions.