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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
***My scorp slept with me after one month and still called me a friend and I bet all of you would have said, he's not interested in a relationship. He'd just come out of a relationship when he started with me, by the way. Oh, and he'd said his plans were to leave the country and live elsewhere. Did he go? No.***
Yeah, that could be true. If I left it up to my scorp friend he would be with me still wether he officially divorced his wife or not. I want more so I ended it. However, did your scorp act like all he wanted was sex? Really? Even as my involvement with my scorp friend started mutual on both our behalfs it got deeper as we went on so yes it can change if you both are on the same page. But she wants a relationship right now and he doesn't. So YES, he is saying what he means even if it is for now. Look at his actions. I have never known a scorp who has decided they wanted a person in their life as a mate act this way at all.
In my opinion you both have to be on the same page period. Or one will be recentful and the othere will think all is well.
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
*HUGE bearhug to the roxstar*
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Scorps are very clear about their intentions and rarely if ever make up some lie for the heck of it. Even if it changes later.
MyEulogy y really mean that e????
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
You aren't the first scorp girl I know to complain about a lack of sexual connection/fufillment with Leo males. I think it is a style thing. Leos can be all passion. Scorps, I believe, tend to want passion tempered with emotional tenderness.
Just my observation through many of the Scorp ladies I know.
Maybe that's...that's.......
Excellent, I'm trying to date a pisces hun, just managed to get sthg positive from her and you're telling me they're flirters!!