Maybe that's...that's.......
Excellent, I'm trying to date a pisces hun, just managed to get sthg positive from her and you're telling me they're flirters!!
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
also, the survey was created using survey monkey and for some reason the first response to each question repeats the question, then has the possible response after. i don't know why that happens, but can still mark the first response.
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Feb 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 12
Same here. I like them older, though 6-7 years tops. That usually puts them in the range where we still have tons in common, but they don't act quite as dumb as other guys my own age.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
And libra is the sign of military strategy and leadership. It you take that as your definition of stregth. Unlike aries who probably reperents military might and the solider, libra represents the leadership and strategy behind it.
But what Libran really represent is the utopian vision of what humanity can aspire too. Peace, Justice, Fairness, and Equality. Not really a bad thing. I usually hold Gahndhi and John Lennon up as perfect examples of Libran visionaries.
The life purpose of Libra is the humanitarian. Libras are to bring partnership, equality, and justice to any situation. There is nothing easy or cowardly about it. In fact, it is quite a courageous thing to go against the status quo and stand up for those principles.
The One very notible fault I think Libras have is a fear of emotions and emotional intimacy. It makes sense since Libra rules the heart chakra and is the first sign to deal with other people. We have a harder time kinda figuring it out. Our love projects outwards to all and it is hard to understand intimate romantic relationships. Just my current thought. I haven't really explored it fully.
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Feb 10, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 757 · Topics: 56
I like that word shammy lol! Thats a new one me Thetis. On a serious note I'm trying LL COOL J's Platinum workout. I'm not going to lie its hard as hell to follow, but I love a challenge. Wish me luck!
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Jul 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2267 · Topics: 61
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