Virgo male cancer female

Posted by MissKrabs

does she cook?

Probably not

Related Messages

Posted by Neshama

Posted by Gemitatti

Posted by Neshama

Posted by Neshama

I am sure gemitati could find a forum in her own language.
Or whatever species of thot she is.
I think you’ve being aggressive. Passively...what about ignore?

Have you google it? So google it. Because I suspect you haven’t google it. Google is there for a reason. To google! 👀
Yeah I am I don't do passive. I am straight up when i don't like someone. Its pretty aggressive.
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You said it yourself that you will IGNORE and be passive aggressive witch is mutually exclusive shit but you write crap disregarding all the rules and logic and getting pissed off just because you CANT achieve result you promised!

Hownis that anyone’s fault except your therapist?
Posted by Neshama

Posted by Gemitatti

Posted by Neshama

Posted by Gemitatti

Posted by Neshama

Posted by Neshama

I am sure gemitati could find a forum in her own language.
Or whatever species of thot she is.
I think you’ve being aggressive. Passively...what about ignore?

Have you google it? So google it. Because I suspect you haven’t google it. Google is there for a reason. To google! 👀
Yeah I am I don't do passive. I am straight up when i don't like someone. Its pretty aggressive.
You said it yourself that you will IGNORE and be passive aggressive witch is mutually exclusive shit but you write crap disregarding all the rules and logic and getting pissed off just because you CANT achieve result you promised!

Hownis that anyone’s fault except your therapist?
You ...really can't read and understand English can you?

No that's not what i said. And no one can understand what you just said.

This is kind of pathetic gemitati.
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I knew it’ll be pathetic as soon as I saw who is the author of the post.

However...I don’t ignore every pathetic post. Someone have to keep you busy. 😂😂😂
Posted by Neshama

I wish there was a way to become genuinely oblivious to her.

She is intimidating. Not because she is angry or anything's just her relationships with my manager etc that has me off.

I don't want to ignore her ....i just want to be genuinely oblivious of her.

I half thought i was jealous of her in a way. She is prettier than me...and very confident perception of her was someone who had it easy in life. I KNOW its not like that when you meet people up close. No one has it easy.

But i was thinking maybe she sensed that from me and that is why she doesn't like me.

I did think about genuinely trying to get to know her and be friend. Then i thought i really didn't want my bosses daughter to know me well. Like if she saw me being ..just me and was 'oh my god she is crazy into crazy astrology shit plays poker etc ' back to my boss.

I think i will just make myself oblivious to her.
You know what ‘oblivious’ means do you? I am feeling bad for that woman if you will do ‘onlivious’ same way you do ‘ignore’...😂🤣💦😭
Posted by Neshama

Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll

It IS!!!

It's really not.

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Posted by HearttofTopazz

No experience with Aspergers. But the next time that you two hangout I would get completely nude and just act real nonchalant lol. See what he does, and if he doesn’t make a move after all that... then I’d tell him to fuggin skedaddle!

you would be VERY disappointed.


my advice would be, no cues just let your gem side say what you want, otherwise you would have to explain social nuances to him, can be done, but is a pain in the ass, wait your a virgo venus?, oh boy....
Posted by firebunny

i have a friend-doctor who looks unusually underweight. i think he must be anorexic. but how do i tell him to check on his weight without offending him?


why don't you want to offend him?

doctors need to have the balls to tell people they have cancer, and you wanna sugarcoat shit for him? lmao....
Posted by nikkistar

Ignoring passive aggressive people is fun. They often twitch harder when you ignore them. While they twitch, you sit back and laugh.
If I’m being super passive aggressive, I’m actually hoping they ignore me cause I’ve had enough of their sheit 🤣🤣🤣
Yes. I can't say because I'm not a Taurus, but way back when I was with one, he claimed I could "satisfy him on all levels" and that threw me for a bit and made me slightly uncomfortable yet such a turn on knowing I was something to be desired.

Its just like what Robert Frost said, "Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." And man, that draws Scorpio energy in like you've no idea. I honestly had no clue my Bull back then had such strong feelings. It was only in hindsight but at the same time, whatever message they send, it'll be consistent so it's not hard to miss.
"I'm bored...let's go weigh ourselves!" Then have the BMI chart handy and compare. You're welcome!