why are bullies ugly while the bullied are good-looking?

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by firebunny

Posted by MyStarsShine

Posted by GemLover

Posted by firebunny

Posted by Pandora101

Posted by GemLover

Posted by Pandora101

I think its the other way around, in most cases, in real life

but it goes like this: good-looking bullis bully fat/vulnerable/ugly ones who in return (because of the endured bullying) become bullies themselves

both ugly and good-looking can be bullies, but with different motivation maybe?

good-looking bully - is used to get away with everything due to charm/narcisstic

ugly bully - the only way they feel in power and it tastes good

maybe smile
You may have a good point there. Thing is I'm a good looking guy. I don't want to say I'm the handsomest in the entire universe but pretty close to it tho and I don't bully nobody. I'm not the type that make fun of people behind their backs but I'll do it to their faces if they piss me off. I'm not the type that goes around picking fights with anybody just because I'm bigger and muscular than the average human no no I'm not a showoff. I accept people as they truly are and I just want people to do the same and accept me as I'm truly are. And because I'm so goddamn shy I don't like to be the first to speak to people. I like for people to speak to me first then I speaks back to them in a friendly kind way and with a smile on my face no matter what kind of mood I'm in. Point is I don't bully. I'm not capable of it.
I dont think every good looking person is a bully and every ugly person is a bully, just I think amongst the bullies there are some motivations

being good looking doesnt make a person a bully, and being ugly doesnt make a person a bully either

it goes with a personality, the bullies just like to wallow in it as that is their only or main power-source or something smile
are leo moons more capable of bullying?

A definite firm YES!!!

My ex father in law has Leo moon.....bullied the hell out of my ex and his brother

My mother had a Leo moon and was a control freak

hi mum!

i'm not among these types of leo moons

i never bullied anyone right?
Hi son,

I don't think you are a bully but you may need to learn to back off sometimes?

click to expand
what do u mean mum?