Capricorn man ignorning me after lying to me

He did not take me to dinner after all. Guess he didn't keep his promise for a reason, but he doesn't even call me. He really hurt me in the past when he told me he deserved better. Like what am I, chopped liver. Like if I don't deserve better myself. I was patient and nice with him and I took him back. I baked him a pie, a lemon cake, made him salsas, but he completely ignores me now. PS, I don't know if he is having personal problems or what he won't talk to me, and sometimes I need to talk to him, but he wouldn't stick around much. I know he is trying to find a job right now because he has been reclocated from his work and was living out of state, but I took that into consideration. I gave him space and I respected him for pursuing a good career and job, but he came to me first and now I really want him. The only thing is I don't want him to hurt me and he has hurt me. I guess dinner was out of the question now. If he has problems why doesn't he talk to me about them, or is he just being a Capricorn and a jerk?